Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Progress of Egyptology.

the most precise datum yet found for the cubit. But perhaps the most
interesting discovery of all relates to the approach to the pyramid from the
valley. The great causeway is found to have been topped by a narrow
covered passage lined with fine limestone and exquisitely sculptured. At
the lower end was a considerable building with columned halls decorated
with relief sculpture and statuary. This building, in which the offerings
were received before being conveyed to the pyramid, is raised upon a base
which served as a quay during high Nile. Wiedemann summarizes the
results of Borchardt's excavations in previous years at Abusir (Unwchau,
June 20th and 27th, 1903).

K6m el Hisn. Daressy describes the present condition of Kom el
Hisn, near Naucratis, publishing some new inscriptions from the site.
Ann. iv. 281.

Oasis or Siwa. Steindorff describes his journey in 1899-1900 to the
Oasis in Petermanns Geogr. Mitteilungen, 1904, Heft. viii. with a good
map (cf. Arch. Report, 1900-1, p. 26). Two publications are promised, the
archaeological results in the Abhaudlungen of the Sacksische (resells, d.
Wissenschaften, and a full illustrated description of the journey in a
separate work.

Sinai. In Rev. Arch., iv. ser., ii. 1, Weill printed an interesting-
account of his fruitful researches among published and unpublished
copies of Egyptian inscriptions in the peninsula of Sinai, among the
results being the identification of an inscription of King Semerkhet (cf.
Comptes Rendus, 1903, 160). Now he has issued the first part of a Recueil
des inscriptions Hlgyjptiens du Sinai, dealing with the geography and
history of the peninsula, its mines, etc., an account of previous work done
and a bibliography. M. Weill's researches seem to have been carried out
with thoroughness; it only appears strange that he has not actually
visited the sites whose records he has sought out with such care. He has
used the collections or publications of Lepsius, Macdonald, Holland, and
other travellers and those of the Survey of the Palestine Exploration Eund,
the best source of information being a large series of squeezes which were left
by Dr. Birch forgotten in a drawer in the British Museum and only now
have been re-discovered by Dr. Budge as a result of M. Weill's persistent
quest. M. Weill considers that during the Old and Middle Kingdoms
access to the mining region was obtained by ship, and that too from Middle
and Upper Egypt, not from the Delta, the Wady Tumilat canal presumably
not having been opened. The mines commence close to the coast, the
sandstone which contains copper, turquoises, etc. occupying a small and
compact area of about 15 x 25 kilometres.