Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Egypt Exploration Fund [Hrsg.]
Archaeological report: comprising the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund and the progress of egyptology during the year ... — 1905-1906

DOI Artikel:
Griffith, Francis Ll.: Progress of Egyptology: archaeology, hieroglyphic studies, etc. : F. Ll. Griffith
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Peogkess of Egyptology.

Prof. Maspero, referring to Uah-ankh Antef, points out that Nekkt-tep-
nefer Antef occurs in an inscription published by Mariette from Abydos,
and makes it appear probable that Uahankh and two other Antefs were sub-
kings under Nebheptre Menthotep. A. Z. xlii. 131.

Legratn shows that Sankhkere's name, Menthotep, was known or
suspected as early as 1875, through a MS. note of Deveria. Ann. vi.

Maspero restores the name of the princess Nefert in the title of
Sanehat. Bee. de Trav. xxviii. 61. Discusses Dynasties XII-XVII as
given in the Manethonian fragments ; he considers that Josephus took
his extracts not direct from Manetho, but from garbled versions in the
writings of some Alexandrine commentator. Bee. do Trav. xxviii. 8.

Spiegelberg finds a name spelt Sanuosi in demotic, apparently the
equivalent of Senusert (Usertesen). Bee. de Trav. xxviii. 195.

Eubexsohn shows that Amenembat III was worshipped in the
Fayum in the Ptolemaic period under the name Pra-marres. A. Z. xlii.

Legrain publishes the titles of Khutauire, Ann. vi. 133, of Sebekemsof I,
from an obelisk at Karnak, ib. 28J, cylinder with name Ka-Set-Re,
ib. 134, and scarabs with combined names, Auabre, etc., ib. 137.

Petrie describes the enclosure of Tell-el-Yalnidiyeh, identifying it with
the Hyksos camp of Avaris, and suggests that the six Semitic names of
some of the Hyksos kings furnish five of the " six Phoenician shepherd
kings" of Dynasty XV, and that others are to be attributed to the "thirty-
two Hellenic shepherd kings" of Dynasty XVI. He conjectures that
the strange epithet "Hellenic "is derived from an original statement
implying that these kings had command of Cyprus and of the
sea communications in the Mediterranean. Man, 1936, No. 75, see
also p. 30.

The siege of Sharuhej by Ahmose I occupied three, not five or six years
as has hitherto been supposed. Sethe, A. Z. xlii. 136.

Translation of the stela of lvar-s of the time of Amenhotep I. Sjoberg,
Sphinx, ix. 217.

It has often been supposed that the sister-in-law of Akhenaten and the-
wife of Haremheb were one and the same, under the name Netem-mut.
Sethe, however, shows that the name of the former must be read Mut-
benert, that of the latter Mut'-netemt, so that there is no evidence for their
identity. A. Z. xlii. 134.

Clear instance of Sesi as abbreviation of the name Ramesse, in the name
of a private person. Wrezinski, A. Z. xlii. 144.