Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Graeco-Eoman Egypt.


" Labourer" (reojpyc?) of Menander, first published by Prof. Nicole and
now in the Bibliothi>que Publique of Geneva. The third is an official
letter from the Arab governor of Egypt in A.D. 710 to his Greek subordinate,
the administrator of the village of Aphrodito in Upper Egypt. It is one
of a large group of such letters and documents, now in the British
Museum, which throw much light on the Arab administration of Egypt,
and carry down our knowledge of Greek writing on papyrus nearly a century
beyond the point at which it has hitherto stopped. A few Greek documents
belonging to the same group are published by Dr. Becker in his edition of
the Schott-Reinhardt Arabic papyri at Heidelberg, which come from the
same source.

Another group of publications (in addition to Maspero's work, described
above) relates to the administrative organization of Egypt. Prof. Hirschfeld,
in the second edition of his well-known work on the Imperial officials,31
gives a short sketch of the administrative system of Egypt. It may be
observed that he does not accept the latest views of his disciple, P. M.
Meyer, as to the position of the l$i6\oyoi. Another pupil of the same
master, Dr. Bostowzew, has published a note 32 on the opeo<£u\ave? (Lat.
taltuarii) or estate-police maintained on the great estates which were
exempted from the rural administration. Dr. Hohlwein has published a
series of articles 33 on the village administration of the Eoman period,
dealing with (1) the Br,/j.6aioi, rrji Kwiwqs, whom he regards as simply the
village policemen, (2) various kinds of $u\a<ei (ejOi/^o^uAa/ce?, fxaySu>\o-
(f>v\aK€(;, k.t.X.), (3) the village council (ol uirh t>}<; Kwfir]<;)> and (4) the
village clerk (Kwixoypauuarwi), on whom fell most of the work of actual

A different class of subject is touched by an article of Prof. TVilcken's31
on Egyptian prophecy. He gives a new text of a document originally
published by Wessely among his magical papyri (Neue Zauberpapyri), and
now revised (and considerably altered) with the help of a photograph of
the original. It contains prophecies of Egyptian history, apparently com-
posed by a member of the Egyptian nationalist party under one of the
earlier Ptolemies; but its full explanation is still to seek. E. Meyer, with
reference to this same document, traces the origins of Hebrew prophecy to
Egypt; but the debt must have been exceedingly small.

Two volumes of the general catalogue of the Cairo Museum have
appeared which come within the scope of this article. These are the Greek
Bronzes, by Mr. C. C. Edgar, and the Greek Inscriptions, by Mr. J. G.
Milne.35 The progress of the Museum of Alexandria is reported by Prof.
Breccia in his Bulletin/'6 which also contains brief reports of the German