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Instytut Historii Sztuki <Posen> [Hrsg.]
Artium Quaestiones — 22.2011

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Żuchowski, Tadeusz J.: Ceremonial and architecture: the origin of papal ceremonial and its influence upon architecture
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The papai suitę originated from the liturgical procession of the congrega-
tion. Its core was a group called the family, according to an ancient tra-
ditionTS The germ of the papai suitę regulated by the rules of ceremoniał
was a special group of papai ofhcials, enumerated in the first Ordo Ro-
mcmMS (early 8^ century).6? A fully developed court emerged from the
papai suitę, the so-called cąpeda pupo/e, at the tum of the 13^ century.
In the mid 3^ century all clergy in Romę numbered as few as one
hundred and fiftyTs It was only at the time of Constantine the Great
that the number of people in the immediate environment of the pope in-
creased. Simultaneously, the pope became morę and morę affluent. Be-
cause of these changes it was necessary to appoint standing offices or-
ganising life within the household and administering the property of the
Church. This was the beginning of the papai court. Its core consisted of
three offices designed for people who remained in close relations with
the bishop of Romę. They were the archdeacon, archpresbyter, and sen-
ior notary (p/y/nicerms nohnibmm), only the latter being a purely secu-
lar office. People bearing these distinctions remained the closest to the
pope during processions.
A court structure gradually emerged, displaying elear analogies with
the ancient Roman system. In the early 8^ century, as the Primus Ordo
states, a group of papai officials constituting a modest court was super-
vised by the tdcedoTTtmMS, who performed functions formerly belonging
to the archdeacon.
During celebrations the pope was assisted by the primicerms and
the secMndicerms, standing on his sides. These offices were most proba-
bly transformed into the later papai escorts, the escort of deacons, and
eventually the escort of deacon cardinals. Within the court and in the
pope's immediate suitę, the Ordo mentions a person responsible for the
guard, pr77r7tce7do de/ensomm, and a person responsible for the wardrobe

66 In the Roman tradition the term /a^iPn referred generally to people submitted to
the power of the master of the house. The „family" consisted of members of the household
(/aTndiares = subjects): the nearest family, relatives, servants, and even slaves. Briefly on
that see Mielsch, op. cit. (cf. the notę 38), p. 133-134; the organising principles of the pap-
ai family were the origin of modern court structures in Europę. R.A. Muller, Der Fnrsten-
Ao/hA der /rAAen NenzeP, Miinchen 1995, p. 13-14.
s? See Ordines Pomani, PL (cf. the notę 14), 78, sl. 937-1406; Schimmelpfennig, Die
Redentan^ Poms (cf. the notę 14), p. 47, 59-60; Amcńdopedia CaPodca, vol. 5, p. 999-1008,
& /oc cd., vol. 7, sA 1808-1809, P.E. Schramm, Phaser, Fonige and Papste, 4 vols., Stutt-
gart 1968-1970, vol. 3, p. 280-295, 339-340; on the role of family and on court symbolic
logie in 17^-century Roman residences modelled on papai structures see P. Waddy, Seuen-
teentA-Centnry Roman Pcdaces. Dse and (Ae Art o/TAe PArn, New York-Cambridge Mas.-
London 1990, p. 31-66.
68 HVP (cf. the notę 9), 1, p. 261.