Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrow, John [Editor]
Dictionarium Polygraphicum: Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested: Illustrated with Fifty-six Copper-Plates. In Two Volumes (Band 1) — London, 1758

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AB. Thefe two letters joined together, with an E iflu-
ing out from the B, is the mark of Alexander Badiale
of Bologna, pfckiter and engraver.
AB. BL. fit, ft and for Abraham Bloemart, an indefatigable
Duch engraver.

A. BOTH, ftands for Andrew Both.
A. C. P.

A. C. / Are all the marks of Auguftino Caracci

AGOS. C. > of Bologna, a celebrated painter and en-
AG. C. \ graver.'
AG. Bononia?, J

ACADEMY of Painting was eftablifhed in France, during
the reign of king Lewis XIV, under cardinal Mazarine, its firft
protector ; and the chancellor Seiguer, vice-proteclor.

It confifts of a director, a chancellor, four rectors, a trea-
furer, twelve profeffors; counfellors, a fecretary; a profefTor
of anatomy, another of geometry and perfpeclive.

Perfons are admitted in this Academy, either in quality of
painters or fculptors. The painters are admitted according to
their refpeftive talents; there being a diftinclion made between
thofe who work in hiftory, and thofe who only paint portraits
or landfcapes, or beafts, or fruits, or flowers, or paint in mi-
niature, or only defign • or engrave or carve.

ACHELOUS, the river, is defcribed by Ovid, adorned with
a garland of reeds, willows, and the like : Having two. urns or
earthen pitchers, the one empty, and the other pouring forth
water ; and having on his head two horns, the one broken,
and the other whole.

This river, as it is the moft famous of all Greece, fo it di-
vides iEtolia from Arcadia, and then falls into the fea.

This reprefentation is taken from the fable of Hercules, how
combated him in the likenefs of a bull, for the fake of his wife
Dejanira, and broke one of his horns ; there byturning both its
ftreams into one, for which-reafon one of the urns is reprefented
