Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Barrow, John [Editor]
Dictionarium Polygraphicum: Or, The Whole Body of Arts Regularly Digested: Illustrated with Fifty-six Copper-Plates. In Two Volumes (Band 1) — London, 1758

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BAN 3i

nus. Azure is very near of kin to ultramarine ; being procured
from the Armenian (tone, much after the fame manner as the
other is from lapis lazuli. See LAPIS LAZULI.

To dye an Azure Colour. Take roche allum, and filings
of brafs, of each two ounces ; fifh-glue, half an ounce ; vinegar
or fair water, a pint; boil it to the confumption of the half.


Bftands for John Sebald Beham. Abbot Primaticcio, who
• in France was called of Bologna, alfo ufed the letter B
for his mark. So alfo did U Bonafoni, and Domenico Becca-
fumi, interfecting it with a line.

B. B. fignifies Bartholomew Beham of Norimberg ; he en-
graved at Rome, and in Bologna, with Mark Antonio Raimon-
di. The fame letters were alfo ufed by Bartholomew Bifcano,
a Genoefe painter, in fuch plates as were of his own invention.
B. B. A. F. fignifies Baccio Bandinelli, a Florentine architect.
BACCHUS, is painted with fhort brown curled hair, cloathed
with either a leopard's fkin, or a green mantle; a tawny face,
with a wreath of vine branches.

BACK Painting, metzo-tinto prints with oil colours.
This art confifts chiefly in laying the print upon a piece of
clear Crown or Cock-hill glafs, of fuch a fize as fits the print.

BAL. SEN. fignifies BaldaiTer Senenfe, i. e. BaldafTar Pe-
ruzzi of Siena._

Hb. Hans BALDUNG or BALDUIN, in a plate, repre-
fenting horfes, engraved in 1534.

The fame mark was ufed by Hans Brofamer, in his plates
of Curtius riding into the gulph ; and in his Lacoon, and Sa-
lomon worshipping the idol. See plate I, N°. 11.

Horatio Borgiano alfo made ufe of the fame mark in his
plates, and fometimes ufed an H and a B.

BALLS., to take out fpots of oil or greafe. Take foft foap,
incorporate it with the afhes of vines, finely fifted, of one as
much as the other; then add to it roche allum burnt and tar-
tar finely powdered : Stir all well together, and form it into
Balls, with which you may take fpots out of any garment.

Baccio BANDINELLI,' born in the year 1487, fcholar of
Gio. Francefco Ruftici; lived at Rome, excelled in hiffory-
painting and fculpture; died in the year 1559, aged feventy-
two years.

BANTAM- Work, a kind of elegant work, and is both plain
and embofled; and is wrought moll in gold and other metals.
