Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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maeander ; he is bearded, with embroidered cap with engrailed ridge and
lappets (cf. Pelops on F331), himation, and lotos-sceptre in r. hand. Before
him on the level of the ground is Perseus looking up to r., beardless, with cap
as Kepheus, embroidered bordered chlamys fastened in front, and winged
endromides ; in r. hand the liarpc, in 1. a spear. In the centre of the scene,
between two Ionic columns, to each of which one of her arms is fastened, is
Andromeda to 1., with mitra, long chiton and himation, both embroidered ; the
columns have scroll patterns on the necking and acanthus-leaves round the base.
On the 1. a female figure approaches, with long girt chiton and apoptygma
reaching to the hips, and sandals, holding a hydria with r. hand on her head,
the mouth of which is in the form of a goose's head.

[Cf. Mon. dell' Inst. ix. 38 ; Baumeister, p. 1291 ; Roscher, i. p. 347 ; Birch in Archaeo-
logia, xxxvi. p. 53 ; and Arch. Zeit. 1852, p. 449.]

F 186. HYDRIA. Old No. 1376. Ht. I2| in. From the Basilicata. Durand Coll. 498.

Design red on black ground. Shape as Fig. 8. Round the lip, wave-pattern ; on the neck and
shoulder, wave-pattern, maeander alternating with quatrefoils, and tongue-pattern ; below the
design, wave-pattern.

Female figure running to 1., looking back, with hair in a knot, earrings,
necklace, bracelets, and long girt chiton with double stripe down the side ;"shc
holds a distaff in one hand and a spindle in the other, and looks back at a
similar female figure following her, with himation over 1. arm held up in r. hand,
and in 1. hand a mirror.

F 187. OINOCHOE. Ht. I2|-in. From the Basilicata. Blacas Coll., 1867. De Rossi, Vasl

Creel di Blacas, pi. 7. Design red on black ground. Above, palmettos and wave-pattern ;
below, maeander and crosses all round ; at the back, palmettes. Shape as Vol. III. Fig. 13 ;
trefoil mouth, much pinched in.

Symposion : On the end of a couch is a female figure seated to 1., looking
to r., with long curls, bracelets, long chiton, bordered himation over lower
limbs, and sandals, r. hand raised, in 1. a tympanon. On the couch recline two
beardless male figures, the one on the 1. looking back at the other; both have
himatia over lower limbs, and striped cushions under their 1. arms ; the first
extends r. hand to the female figure, the other has curly hair and fillet, and r.
hand raised ; over them is a vine. The couch is covered with a panther's
skin, and the legs end in panthers' claws ; in front of it are two three-legged
stools, with feet ending in panthers' claws, ornamented with chevrons. Next is
a nude female figure to r. with close striped cap, necklace, bracelets, and
sandals, resting r. hand on the couch, and extending 1. hand to two beardless
male figures reclining on another. They have curly hair and bordered himatia
over lower limbs, and striped pillows under their 1. arms ; each extends r. arm,
and the one on the 1. holds a skyplws in 1. hand ; above them is a vine. The
couch has a bordered coverlet, and in front are two stools as before ; on the
one on the r. is fruit.