Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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AMPHORA. Ht. ISf in. From Capua. Castellani, 1873. Ann- dell'List. 1S72, pi.
A, p. 1 ff. ; Engelmann, Beitrage zu Euripides, p. 7 ; Vogel, Scenen Eurip. Tragod. p. 34 ;
Roschcr, i. pp. 247, 2758 ; J. H. S. xi. p. 225. Designs red on black ground, with white
accessories, somewhat faded ; varnish worn. Shape as Fig. 7. On the lip, egg-moulding ;
on the neck, each side, laurel-wreath, palmette, and egg-moulding ; on the shoulder, rude
tongue-pattern. Palmettes under handles ; maeander and crosses below.

(a) Alcmene appealing to Zeus against Amphitryon (here Antenor, cf.
F 149) : In the centre is an altar painted white, with triglyphs and metopes and
egg-moulding below, on "which Alcmene has sought refuge. She has hair
gathered up under a broad fillet tied in front, earrings, necklace, bracelets, long
girt bordered chiton, bordered himation over lower limbs, and sandals ; her
hands are raised in supplication to Zeus. Before her is Antenor, beardless,
with pilos, short chiton, belt with studs, under-garment with long sleeves, and
sandals ; in either hand a burning torch. Over the scene is a rainbow in red,
white, and black, on either side of which are Hyades, each with close cap,
earrings, necklace, bracelets, and long girt chiton, pouring out water from a
hydria to extinguish the flames ; the liydriae are' painted white, shaded black.

(b) Ephebos standing on a rock to r., with wreath, himation over 1. arm and
round lower limbs, sandals, and staff in r. hand ; on the ground is another
looking up at him, with wreath, bordered himation, and sandals, r. hand raised
to his mouth. Above is a white aryballos suspended by a string.

AMPHORA. Ht. 17 in. From Nola. Blacas Coll., 1867. Musec Blacas, pi. 32, p. 92 ;
Furtwacngler, Eros in d. Vasenm. p. 47. Designs red and white on black ground, with
yellow accessories on both sides. On the neck, wave-pattern ; on the shoulder, (a) a
ranunculus-flower with leaves on either side ; (&) tongue-pattern. Below the handles,
palmettes ; below, all round, wave-pattern.

On the neck, two panels: (a) Siren to 1., with hair gathered up, wreath,
and necklace; above and below, phialae; ground-lines indicated, (b) Female
head to 1., with hair in a knot, open embroidered cap, beaded fillet, and

(a) Dionysos in the form of a bull, bringing Semele back from Hades :
In the centre is a laver on a base, painted white, over which hovers Eros to r.,
looking to 1., with wreath, bracelets, strings of beads over 1. shoulder and round
r. thigh, 1. foot raised on a rock ; in r. hand he holds out a wreath, and in 1. a
fruit and a string of beads. On the r. is Semele riding on the bull to 1. on
raised ground ; she has hair in a bunch, wreath, necklace, and long girt chiton with
apoptygum ; with 1. hand she supports a white hydria on her knees. The bull has
a bearded human face turned to the front and is partly painted white. Above,
behind is a window, at which is seen a female face painted white, muffled in
drapery; such figures occur in Greek sepulchral reliefs, and are suggestive of
the under-world. From the window hangs a taenia, and below the bull are two
laurel-branches, a fruit, and aphialL On the 1. is a female figure to r., with hair
in a bunch, wreath, necklace, bracelets, long girt chiton fastened on shoulders,
and apoptygma, in r. hand a white prochobs, in 1. a white mirror; above are a

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