Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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taenia and two phialae; below, a fruit and a laurel-branch. Above and below
are lines of dots.

[The man-headed bull is a common coin-type of Campania, and represents Dionysos
Hebon (see Roscher, i. pp. 1057 and 1149) ; and this vase is undoubtedly of Campanian
manufacture. A similar man-headed bull by a laver is to be seen on a fragment of a vase
from the Acropolis at Athens, Athen. Mittheil. xiv. (1889), p. 333. Others have interpreted
this figure as a water-god carrying a nymph : see Arch. Zcit. 1862, p. 326, note 46 ; Stephani,
Compte-Rendu, 1S63, p. 118. See also on the subject, Frazer, Golden Bough, i. p. 325,
ii. pp. 38, 43.]

(b) Two ephebi confronted, wearing wreaths and wrapped in himatia ; the
one on the 1. has a branch in r. hand and a fruit and string of beads in 1. ; the
other holds fruit. Between the two figures is a tendril ; and above, a window :
behind each, a taenia and aphiale.


F 195. AMPHORA. Old No. 1575. Ht. 2if in. Towneley Coll. Designs red on black

ground, with accessories of white and yellow. On the neck and shoulder, each side, a
palmette and wave-pattern ; below each handle, a large palmette.

(a) Offerings at stele : In the centre is the stele on a base, painted white
with yellow markings ; on the r, is a youth (Dionysos?) to 1., with r. foot on
the plinth of the stele, ivy-wreath, chlamys over arms, and yellow sandals, in 1.
hand a laurel-branch ; in r. hand he holds out a mirror over the stele. On the
1. is a female figure (Aphrodite ?) to r. standing on the plinth of the stele, with
hair tied in a bunch, white opisthospliendone, earrings, necklace, bracelets, white
sandals, and himation drawn forward from behind with r. hand, 1. hand below r.
breast; behind her, a pilaster (?) painted white ; above, two taeniae.

(J?) Two ephebi confronted, wrapped in himatia, with beaded fillets ; between
them a rosette.

F 196. AMPHORA. Old No. 1574. Ht. 22J in. Handles and lip broken off; foot modern.

Designs red on black ground, with accessories of white and yellow on both sides. On the neck,
each side, egg-moulding and palmette ; on the shoulder, tongue-pattern ; palmettes and
maeander as before,

(a) Youthful warrior to r., with yellow helmet {geison and cheek-pieces),
short embroidered chiton with yellow belt, chlamys fastened with a fibula in
front, spear in r. hand, shield in 1. with white rim, held by the oclianon and
porpax. Confronting him is a female figure with flesh painted white, close
cap, beaded fillet, earrings, necklace, long chiton with broad girdle, and himation
in which 1. hand is muffled, in r. hand a mirror. Between them is a tendril;
above, three balls marked with patterns, on the r. a window, and below it a ball
with patterns, all white. Ground-lines indicated.

(b) Two ephebi confronted ; the one on the 1. is wrapped in a himation
and wears a fillet ; the other has a fillet, sword with belt over r. shoulder,
chlamys over 1. arm, and staff in 1. hand ; a dove is perched on his r. hand.
Above, aphiale between two windows, and on the r. a ball as before.