Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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AMPHORA. Ht. 2Ij in. From Santa Agata dei Goti. Temple Coll., 1856. Designs
red and white on black ground. Twisted handles. On the neck and shoulder, each side,
palmette and tongue-pattern ; under the handles, palmettes ; below, all round, wave-pattern.

(a) Departure of warrior: A female figure to v., with flesh painted white,
beaded fillet, long chiton, himation veiling her head, and sandals ; in r. hand
a cotylk, which she is about to fill from a white proclioos held in 1., to offer to a
warrior who departs to r., looking back. He is beardless, and has a high-crested
helmet with three plumes and cheek-pieces, all painted white, white linen
cuirass of three circular plates, chlamys, and short embroidered chiton with broad
white belt, in r. hand a spear ; his 1. hand rests on a white shield. Above in the
centre is seen the lower part of a shield painted white ; below it, a phiale.

[On the details of local armour and costume (helmet, chiton, cuirass), see p. 20,
and cf. F 241-2.]

(/;) Ball-playing: An ephcbos to r., with wreath and himation over 1. arm
and lower part of body, tossing up a ball with r. hand ; confronting him is
a female figure with close cap, beaded fillet, earrings, necklace, long chiton
and himation, r. hand holding a large taenia, 1. muffled in himation. Above
is visible the lower part of a shield with a border of white dots ; behind the
ephebos is a window. The ground-lines are indicated.

AMPHORA. Old No. 1576. Ht. i8| in. Towneley Coll. Designs red and white on
black ground, with yellow accessories on both sides ; the white rather worn. Injured ; lip
repaired. On the neck, each side, a palmette ; on the shoulder, each side, tongue-pattern ;
below the handles, palmettes and acanthus-leaves, differing from the usual pattern ; below, all
round, wave pattern.

(a) In the centre is a female figure leaning with 1. elbow on a white
column, looking to 1. ; she has hair in a knot and white sandals, and is
wrapped in a himation ; in r. hand she holds out a wreath. On the 1., on a
higher level, is a female figure to r., with 1. foot raised on a rock, hair tied
in a bunch, bracelets, himation round lower limbs, and white sandals, in r.
hand a myrtle-branch, in !. a phiale containing fruit ; behind her, a laurel-
branch, and above, a window. On the r. is a female figure seated on a rock
to r., looking back, on the same level as the last, with close cap, earrings,
bracelets, long girt chiton fastened on shoulders, and white sandals, in r. hand
a wreath, in 1. a mirror; above, two uncertain objects; below, two myrtle-
branches. All the female figures are painted white ; on the ground flowers
are roughly indicated.

(b) Female figure seated on a folding-chair to 1., with curls, white cap,
earrings, necklace, himation, and white sandals, holding out a tympanon in r.
hand and a yellow phiale in 1. Confronting her is an ephebos wrapped in a
himation, with fillet and sandals ; between them is a stele on which is fruit;
round it is tied a yellow taenia. Above are a rosette, a taenia, and a window
from which hangs a chaplet ; below the window, a myrtle-branch.