Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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rev., network-pattern. On the neck in front, lotos-buds ; below the designs, maeander and

Underneath the lip, on obv.: On the 1., two lions rushing at each other;
between them, a stag to 1. ; on the i\, the same ; between them, a bull to 1. ;
black on red ground, very rudely painted.

(a) Perseus receiving his sword and shoes of swiftness from one of
the Nymphs (cf. B 155): In the centre is Perseus to 1., bearded, with lofty
kidaris, chiton reaching to the knees, with engrailed border, spear and shield
with device of a rude Gorgoneion painted in outline. Facing him is the Nymph,
in long chiton and himation wrapped round lower limbs, holding out a sword in
r. hand (belt attached and sheath ornamented with spiral pattern), and in 1. hand
a pair of large, heavy endr01nid.es, which she holds by a tag or boot-lacc. On
the r. is another Nymph with curly hair under a striped cap, long chiton with
apoptygma, and diptoidion ; in 1. hand she holds a prochoos, in r. a p/iiale, from
which she offers wine to Perseus.

(b) Two female figures confronted, with himatia drawn over their heads ;
between them, three sepulchral stelae, on which are vases ; on the left-hand one
a large calpis, on the middle one an atnphora ; on the other, a large kelebe on
which are painted in black two draped figures confronted (on the 1. a female
figure, on the r. an ephebos with staff in r. hand ; below, rude maeander). On the
stelae arc patterns of squares.

F 491. BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1348. Ht. 7f in. Diam. 8± in. Hamilton Coll. Imper-

fectly fired. Designs red on black ground, with white accessories. Shape as Fig. 1. Above
and below the designs, wave-pattern ; under the handles, palmettes.

(a) Hippocamp to 1., with forelegs and pectoral fins, marked with rings
of white dots ; below, a pliiaPe ; on either side, a flower.

(b) Lion passant to 1. ; in the field, a square object; on either side, a

F 492. BELL-CRATER. Ht. 7! in. Diam. 7', in. From Capua. Castellani, 1873. Hull.

Arch. Nap. iii. (1855), pi. 2, rigs. 1-2. p. 9. Fragments pieced together, one or two missing.
Designs red on black ground. Under the handles, palmettes.

(a) Twelve female heads in profile to 1., with necklaces ; below, nine similar
heads. (/;) Female head to 1.

F 493. BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1353. Ht. SJ in. Diam. 9S in. Presented by Capt. Fellows,

J858. Ann. dell Inst. 1875, p. 196; Klein, Euphronios", p. 224. Imperfectly fired. Designs
pale red on black ground, much worn ; somewhat strongly caricatured, and resembling in
style E 246. This vase may be of Athenian fabric. Above the designs, laurel-wreath ; below
each, a band of maeander and crosses.

(a) Achilles lying in wait for Troilos: On the 1. is Achilles kneeling on
one knee to r. ; in front of him is a Doric column, indicating the fountain, half
way up which is a spout, and attached to it a trough. He has long hair, short
beard and moustache, high crested helmet, sword and shoulder-belt, shield and