Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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spear ; in r. hand he holds a knife or short sword. Troilos leads up a mule
to drink, with r. arm over its back. He is represented as a child, with curls
in front of his ears, chlamys over 1. shoulder, petasos hanging from neck, in
1. hand two spears. These figures have been retouched.

(b) Two epJiebi conversing, with fillets and himatia ; the one on the 1. has a
staff; between them hangs a carving-knife (kottis).

[On the foot, incised characters, see old Catalogue, plate C. 1353.]

F 494. BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1341; Ht. 9 in. Diam. 8} in. From the Basilicata. Pour-

tales Coll.. 1S65 {Cat. 146). Designs red on black ground, with white accessories. Above the
design, laurel-wreath ; below, maeander and crosses ; round the ends of the handles, palmettos.

(a) Heracles and Omphale : Omphale is seated in a chair, turned partly Plate XIV.
to 1., with hair escaping from under an embroidered cap in masses each side of Fig. 1.
her face, round the cap a fillet with trefoils, necklace, bracelets, long chiton

and bordered himation drawn forward as a veil with r. hand ; the back of her
chair ends in palmettes. She looks round to r. at Heracles, who is seated on
the ground to 1., beardless, with radiated fillet, quiver and bow slung round him,
club against his knees ; under him is spread the lion's skin. His quiver is of
cylindrical shape, and is ornamented with wave-pattern.

[For the subject, see Jahn in Be?', d. sacks. Gcscllsch. 1855, p. 226.]

(b) Athene to r. with crested helmet, earrings, necklace, bracelets, long girt
chiton, spear in r. hand, 1. resting on her shield, on which is a star of six points.

F 495. BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1343. Ht. 105 in. Diam. 11} in. Payne Knight Coll.

Designs red on black ground ; coarsely executed. Above the design, laurel-wreath ; below,
maeander alternating with crosses ; below the handles, palmettes.

(c?) Satyr seated to r. on a rock, over which is a panther's skin ; he has a
fillet, and thyrsos in r. hand. Facing him is a Maenad with hair in a knot,
fillet, long girt chiton with apoptygma reaching to the hips, tympanon in 1. hand,
r. raised as if beckoning.

(b) Mule to 1., with head thrown up as if braying, advancing towards a
vieta on which is an egg-shaped object; above hangs a pair of halteres.

F 496. BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1350. Ht. 9- in. Diam. 8| in. Towneley Coll. Much

injured. Designs outlined in black on buff panels, bordered with laurel. Cinder each handle,
a large palmetto.

(a) Female head to 1., covered with a cap radiated over the forehead ; on
the neck, a necklace, (b) Similar design.

F 497. AMPHORISCOS. Ht. 35 in. From Apulia. Blacas Coll., 1867. Designs red on black

ground. The shape resembles Fig. 5, without the side-handles. On the neck, zigzags and
dots ; on the shoulder, (a) laurel-wreath, {b) wave-pattern ; below the handles, palmettes.

(a) Amphora with pointed base, on which is a male figure to 1., and a
snake rearing before him, painted in black on red. (b) Bird to 1. with wings