Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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9. Pisań painter, Archangel Michael, Paris, Musee de Cluny (affer Carli)
10. Pisań painter, St. Nicholas, Paris, Musee de Cluny (affer Carli)

as it is shown by a portion of St. James garment at the right edge of the Catherine panel. The
altarpiece of which this panel formed a left lateral was smaller than either of the Iwo altarjjieces
of which portions sur\ive in Warsaw and in Altenburg. Both haloes are similarly adorned
by the customary cluster of six circles but in the man's halo the hexa-circle alternates with the
distinctive tetra-rosette of Alvaro (figs. 11-13). The head of St. Catherine can well be compared
to that of the probably earlier St. Catherine in Bern as well as to those of St. Michael in the
Yolterra altarpiece and in Warsaw. The simple form of the haloes in Munster coincides with
those in the Annunciation cusps in Sarasota, and the drapery style is akin to the Sarasota and
Warszawa panels. As the Sarasota cusps appear to belong to the same stylistic stage as the
Warsaw panel, they may have formed the superstructure of a good-size altarpiece of which
the Warsaw Saints formed the left side.
