Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 19.1978

DOI Heft:
Nr. 4
DOI Artikel:
Dobrowolski, Witold; Smuglewicz, Franciszek [Ill.]; Byres, James [Ill.]: The drawings of Etruscan tombs by Franciszek Smuglewicz and his cooperation with James Byres
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3. F. Srrraglewicz, sketch, Cardinal's Tomb, Tarqu.in.ia, scgmcnts 5 and 6 of the frieze. Print
Room of the Warsaw University Library, Royal Coli., T. 175,no 41. (Photo Muzeum Narodowe,


With the similar scepticism Stanisław Lorentz14 treated the information on the su.pposed friend-
ship between Smuglewicz and Winckelmann, who died on June 8th, 1768, i.e. four years after
Smuglewicz's arrival in Romę. However, if this interestmg record is to be treated less suspiciously,
one may think that it was not the case of friendship but merely contacts resulting from the
cooperation of Smuglewicz with archeologists and editors. In fact, Winckelmann had not live
to see the drawings Smuglewicz executed on Mirri's reąuest for the album Le antiche Camere
delie termę di Ti(ou, which occured only after 1774 i.e. after the excavations of the Domus
Aurea had begun16.

Thus, assuming that there is some truth in this confusing record, the ąuestion arises which
of the pictures sent to England could interest Winckelmann? Most probably those of antiąue
themes. Also other records do not precise the English contacts of Smuglewicz. F. Kondratowicz,

14. Lorentz, "Domus Aurea", op. cit., p. 317.

15. Le antiche Camere delie Termę di Tilo e le loro pitturc rcslituite al pubblico da Lodorice Mirri Romano,,, descrilte daV Ahale
Giuseppe CarUtti Romano. Roma, 1776.

16. F. Wcege,"Das Golden Ilaus des Nero", Jdl, XXVIII, 1913, p. 127 ff.; M. Loret, op. cit.,v. 296 ff.; Mytariewa,"Fran-
ciszek Smuglewicz w Petersburgu", op. cil.,p. 82 ff.; Drcma, op. cii., p. 55; Ryszkiewicz, op. cit.,p. 13 ff.; Lorentz, Drema
and Ryszkiewicz supposc that the "pictures by Smuglewicz which reached England" are but coloured engTavings from
Ternie di Tito's album — now in the Windsor Collection.
