Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 19.1978

DOI Heft:
Nr. 4
DOI Artikel:
Dobrowolski, Witold; Smuglewicz, Franciszek [Ill.]; Byres, James [Ill.]: The drawings of Etruscan tombs by Franciszek Smuglewicz and his cooperation with James Byres
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5. Ch. Norton after F. Smuglewicz, "The view of the ancient town Tarquinia", The avant la
lettre engraving. Print Room of the Warsaw University Library, Royal Coli., T. 175, no 120
(Photo Muzeum Narodowe, Warsaw)

Even if Kondratowicz and Rastawiecki did not use other records unknown to us but what
seems quite probable — only repeated the information presented by Dłuski in the Messager
de Vilna, the persisting citing of it went probably back to facts important for the artist's career.
The painter himself could have been Dłuski's informant.

Apart from these confused and laconic information there are no Polish records concerning
Smuglewicz's contacs with the English. Perhaps the artist himself is to be blamed for that.
Ali the records characterize him as a modest man who does not like to boast or swagger but
who did not lack the consciousness of his own value19. It is also known that Smuglewicz did
not like to write letters20 and during his stay in Rome he wrote only to his brother Antoni21,
to the King22 and fcw other personages23. The preserved letters, howeyer, do not solve much
of the problem. ;"! |

I suppose that the ąuoted information alludes to the drawings executed by the painter to
be included in the planned album on the Etruscan art, devoted mainly to the painted Etruscan
tombs of Targuinia. As far as we can see, those allusions are vague and ambiguous. It is not

19. ibid., p. 175: "Working in solitude he did not become rich. Even in those towns where he staved, he was morę respected —
as his biographer States — for his abilities than known for his appearance".

20. Central Arohives in Warsaw, (AGAD), Zb. Radziwiłłów, Dz. V. T. 365, No 14694. The lettcr of Antoni Smuglewicz to
his friend architect Carlo Spampani in which he asks why Franciszek, dwelling in the housc of Spampani's mothtr in Rome,
did not write and aswcr letters.

21. The letters to Antoni Smuglewicz are not preserved.

22. The letters of Smuglewicz to t/ie King Stanisław August, Cracow, Czartoryski, Library, Ms 690, Ms 782.

23. The letters of Smuglewicz to Carlo Spampani: Warszawa, AGAD, Zb. Radziwiłłów, Dz. V. T. 365; as for Spampani, see:
W. Kieszkowski, "Carlo Spampani, architekt włoski czynny w Polsce w XVIII w.", Biuletyn Historii Sztuki i Kultury,
I, 1932/1933, p. 24—35.
