Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 19.1978

DOI Heft:
Nr. 4
DOI Artikel:
Dobrowolski, Witold; Smuglewicz, Franciszek [Ill.]; Byres, James [Ill.]: The drawings of Etruscan tombs by Franciszek Smuglewicz and his cooperation with James Byres
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9. Ch. Norton after F. Smuglewicz, Cardinal's Tomb, Tarąuinia, the frieze. Plats III from
"Hypogaei or Sepulchral Caverns of Tarąuinia", London, 1842. (courtesy of the German

Archeological Institute, Rome)

Mansu- Baes-English painter40. In his list of English artists staying in Rome Richard Hayward
under the date: May 6th, 1758 mentions the name of Byres.41

Hayward, contrary to other records regarding Byres as an architect called him a student of
painting. The recently published by B. Ford documents explain the situation42. Having ar-
rieved in Rome Byres started to study painting with famous Rafael Mengs, who sińce 1751
had been chief court painter of Polish King, August III of Saxony. He spent five years in Mengs'
studio till 1761, i.e. when Mengs have finished the works in the Villa Albanii and left for
the court of Charles III in Madrid. Working with Mengs Byres must have met Anton
Maron43, Smuglewicz's teacher to be44. Most probably it was Maron, thanks to whom Byres
acąuainted with the young Pole. In 1761 Byres decided, however, to give up painting and to
shift his interests to architecture. In 1762 he even took part in the competition organised by
Accademia di San Luca and wras awarded the third prize in class of architecture for the project

40. Vatican, Archivio dcl Vieariato, Stato delie Animc of tlie church S. Andrca delie Fratte.

41. R. Hayward, List of the English artists in Rome, British Museum, Print Room, Quoted after Ford, James Byres, p. 447,
footnote 7.

42. Journals of Dr Parkinson of the years 1783—1784 quoted by Ford, op. cii., p. 447, footnote 8. Also the Scols Magazine,
XXIV, p. 611 informing about the prize awarded to Byres by the Accademia di San Luca mentions that he had spent
five years on studying painting.

43. Ford, "William Constable", Apollo. June 1974, p. 408 ff.: It was through Byres's activity that Maron, Mengs1 brother
in law, received varions commissions.

44. Batowski, Thieme-Becker, p. 183.
