Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The altar-piece in the National Museum in Warsaw is not the only of the kind surviving
in Poland. The ąuadretto in the treasury of St. Mary's Church in Cracow is very similar1. (The
tradition has it that it was donated by Queen Marie-Josephine, Augustus III's consort). Regret-
tably, the latter monument did not survive in its complete form and the six elements superim-
posed on the sides are missing (Fig. 2). The current dimensions are 47.5x26.5 cm. It is likewise
executed of repousse and engraved silver with a layer of gilding, and richly decorated with
white painted enamel and coral. As in the Warsaw monument, the centrę includes a coral statue-
tte of the Immaculately Conceived Virgin, surrounded with rays, with seven symbols of the Virgin
Mary oceurring this time within the broad ornamental band surrounding the composition.
As in Warsaw, the frame is an elongated octagon with superimposed elements and a coping
though the latter is constructed of more luscious fioral motifs and enriched with winged cherub
heads. The reverse of the altar-piece is decorated with a fine, engraved figurę of an angel playing
the violin.

A monument very similar to the two abovc-discussed ąuudrelti, both from the viewpoint
of form and decoration, is preserved in the Wilanów Collection5. Used as a holy water basin,
it has never been examined in detail. According to the recently pubłished catalogue of the
collection, it is executed of gilded bronze (?), amply decorated with coral and white enamel
(Fig. 3). A standing octagon, 31.5x23.5 cm, it is smaller than the two above-discussed works.
In the centrę, under a statuette of the Yirgin Mary, is a lapis lazuli water Container, a later
addition. The recess including the statuette is surrounded with a broad ornamental band of
floral motifs, contained from the inside and the outside within a decorative frame in the form
of an irregular standing octagon, with slightly longer horizontal and vertical sides. The octagon
is placed within an additional frame with lacy superimposed elements of floral motifs, with
wbinged cherub heads in the centrę. The superimposed elements oceur in the corner and iu
the middle of the sides of the octagon and vary in size: the largest one is placed in the coping,
the somewhat smaller ones in the middle of the sides, and the smallest ones near the corners.
Therefore the composition is almost identical with that of the previously diseussed ąuadretti.

Ali the ąuadretti are characterised by ingenious composition and especially by exceedingly
rich decoration. Their effect is mostly based on their noble colour-scheme including the fresh
colour of the gilded silver, the pure white of the glossy enamel and the toned-down red of the

The provcnance of the monuments is cjuite easy to establish. A comparison of the Polish
ąuadretti with the numerous altar-pieces pubłished so far indicates that they origin from Italy,
most probably Sicily, perhaps from the Trapani workshop6.

II. „Coral" Importations in Poland

In historical times, articles with coral decorations reached Poland predominantly from
two sources, Italy and the Middle East. Importations from Italy included jewellery and other
goldsmithery articles, also ones intended for churches. Acąuisitions from the Middle East w-ere

4. „Kościoły i klasztory Śródmieścia i, Miasto Kraków", II, („Churches and Convents of the Town Centrc, The City of Cra-
cow", part II), Katalog Zabytków Sztuki w Polsce, IV, Warszawa, 1971, p. 40.

.5. W. Bałdowski, E. Birknemajer, W. Fijałkowski, J. Paszkiewicz, M. Żukowska, Rzemiosło artystyczne i plastyka w zbiorach
wilanowskich, Katalog-Przewodnik po Galerii {łlandicrafls and Art Objects in the Wilanów Collections, Catalogue-Guide
to the Gallery), Warszawa, 1980, pp. 190, 196, Fig. 291, show-case 60/1; iny. no 1897/388; Katalog Wystawy starożytności
i przedmiotów sztuki urządzonej w pałacu J. W. hr. Augustostwa Potockich w Warszawie na Krakowskim Przedmieściu (Ca-
talogue of the Exhibition of Anliąuities and Works of Art Held in the Palące of Count and Countess August Potocki in Kra-
kowskie Przedmieście Street in Warsaw), Warszawa, 1856, n° 564.

■6. Cf. G. Tescione. II corallo nella storia e neWarte, Napoli, 1965, tables XXI, XXIV-XXVII, Fig. 188, p. 220; Fig. 209,
p. 239.
