Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 1): The Neolithic and Early and Middle Minoan Ages — London, 1921

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§ 13. M.M. II: (E) The Hieroglyphic Deposit : Sealings and Seal-
Stones ............271

Advance in naturalistic design also affects glyptic works; Gem-impressions on Clay
Sealings from Hieroglyphic Deposit; Attempts at portraiture — Effigies attributed to
Minoan Dynast and his Son ; Naturalistic scenes on other seal-impressions ; Types
of M. M. II seals; Signets and prism seals with hieroglyphic formulas ; Royal bead-
seal ; Advanced Hieroglyphic Script of Class B ; Clay bars, labels, and tablets;
Linearized sign groups ; Numerals ; Independent Evolution of Minoan Hieroglyphic
script, aided by Egyptian suggestion; Hieroglyphic signary—an epitome of early
Cretan culture ; Selected signs—Saffron, Bee, Olive Spray, and Ship ; Silphium-like
figures—compared with types on coins of Cyrene.

§ 14. M.M. II: (F) Egyptian Monument and Relations . . . 286

Diorite Egyptian Monument of User found in Palace—Twelfth or early Thirteenth
Dynasty date ; Connected with Nome of Goddess Wazet (Aphroditopolite) ; Minoan
intercourse with Egypt, uninterrupted to c. 1760; Approximate date of close of
M. M. II; Cretan craftsmen employed for Pyramids of Illahun and Hawara; Egyptian
religious influence on Crete; Sea-communications—discovery of submerged pre-
Hellenic port of Isle of Pharos ; Colossal construction of harbour works; Estimate
of Minoan and Egyptian factors in their execution ; Port of Pharos visited by
Menelaos; Question of Minoan ports of Crete; Considerable submergence on
N. Coast; Ancient harbour and port town of Knossos—includes Venetian port of
Candia ; Island of Dia; Minoan port of Hagia Pelagia; Catastrophe at end of
M. M. II synchronous with break-up of Egyptian unity ; Perhaps symptomatic of wider
movements in E. Mediterranean Basin.

§ 15. M.M. II: (G) The Town Mosaic . . . '. . . . 301

'Town Mosaic'; Circumstances of discovery—in M.M. Ill a filling material;
Probably heirloom from M. M. 11^ Sanctuary; Ivory 'Draughtsmen' in same
deposit; fragmentary remains of large Composition; Central feature towers and
houses of fortified town ; Associated features relating to land and sea; Warriors, ship
and negroid figures ; Facades of Town Houses ; Modern impression—four- and six-
paned windows; Architectural affinities with Terra-cotta Shrine and M. M. II con-
struction ; Sanctuary on W^all; The WAarriors and their Arms ; Eigured representations
more archaic than those of faience objects of Temple Repositories ; Comparison with
Chest of Kypselos ; Libyan element in Composition—Comparison of negroid heads
with ' Tewel Relief; Plaques in shape of scales with Double Axe marks; Scales,
Oriental Convention for rocks ; Survivals on later Minoan ' rhytons ' with Siege
Scenes; Theme of the beleaguered City and Epic tradition.

§ 16. M.M. Ill: (A) The Beginning of the New Era . . . .315

Epoch of Transition ; Heralded by great catastrophe at end of M. M. II ; Continuity
of culture preserved—but emergence of new elements ; Possible Dynastic change ;
New linearized Script, Class A; Partial dislocations at Knossos; Close of Period
well marked by stratified deposits and great Remodelling; Data from VV. and E. wing
contrasted; Great filling in on E. slope; Evidences of intermediate M.M. HI
phases ; Line of delimitation between M. M. Ill and L. M. I more definite in
pottery; Difficulties attending some of the greater naturalistic works such as wall-
paintings and reliefs ; Such can only be referred to a great Transitional Epoch;
Importance of Spiral Fresco Deposit; Magazine of ' Medallion' Pithoi and Corridor
of Bays.