Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 1): The Neolithic and Early and Middle Minoan Ages — London, 1921

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§ 17. M.M. Ill: (B) The Domestic Quarter......325

Dramatic development of the Excavation—discovery of Grand Staircase and
Residential Quarter in great East Cutting ; The 'Domestic Quarter'; Preservation
of Upper Stories ; Work of Restoration ; Halls of Colonnades and Double Axes;
'Queen's Megaron'; Court of Distaffs; Alteration of Drainage System; Service
Quarter and Staircase; Room of Stone Bench and Upper Hall of Double Axes;
System above Queen's Megaron—Bedrooms, Bath-rooms, and Latrines ; Treasury
of Shrine; The Grand Staircase of five flights,—approached from Central Court;
Tapering wooden columns—their origin in primitive stone pillars ; Low column
bases ; Use of Cypress wood ; Evidence of fluted columns ; M. M. Ill Construction ;
Timber framework of walls and windows ; Important architectural equations supplied
by area of Spiral Fresco; Chronological data—structural core of Domestic Quarter
M. M. Ill a ; Existing superficial features mainly M. M. Ill b and Late Minoan ;
Passage East of Domestic Quarter — ' Marbled' and ' Labyrinth ' frescoes; Egyptian
Meander as House Plan; The Labyrinth and Minotaur at Knossos.

§ 18. M.M. Ill: (C) North-east Borders and Basements of M.M. Ill

East Hall.........7. . „: 360

Northern Branch of Lower E.-W. Corridor; Columnar Lobby and Upper Story
block; N.E. Room—Submergence of M.M. II Magazines with Great Knobbed Pithoi;
Court of Stone Spout and M.M. Ill Wall; Earlier gypsum facade line of a N.E.
' Insula ', running E.-W.; Presumed Stepway to E. Postern ; Corridor North blocked
in M.M. Ill b and converted to Magazine; So-called 'School Room'; Enclave
including 'Loom-Weight Basement'; Its later M. M. Ill stratification; M.M. Ill
Walls superposed here on M. M. II ; Important Deposit with Spiral Fresco, Column
bases, and painted stucco bas-reliefs of bull-grappling scenes ; Comparison of fresco
bands with decoration of tank in bull-catching scene on gem ; Remains derived from
M.M. Ill East Hall above; Drainage system of its Court—Vertical ducts, stone
drain-heads, and Conduit; Stone spout and blind well choked with M. M. Ill sherds ;
Substructures showing Plan of great East Hall.

§ 19. M.M.Ill: (D) North Quarter and Entrance . 385

Continuation North of Upper Terrace Facade; The 'North-East Portico'—through
passage to Postern on the East; 'The Northern Quarter'; Destruction due to
Vicinity of Later Town ; In M. M. Ill, probably Workmen's Quarter ; Signs of
improved conditions in L. M. I; Discovery of Inlaid Draught-board ; Fallen from
Upper Floor—connected with L. M. I East Hall, though probably M. M. Ill heir-
loom ; Ivory Draughtsmen from border area; Description of Gaming Board
postponed to later Section ; The 'Corridor of the Draught-board' and Stepway to
Central Court; North-Eastern Hall and connected Store-rooms—four-columned
Megaron; N.E. Magazines; North-Eastern Entrance; Its system probably linked
with that of Northern Entrance ; Built drain running to main Cloaca of N. Entrance ;
The Northern Entrance Passage; Narrowed in M. M. Ill, with Bastions on either
side ; M. M. Ill Masonry and Signs; Eastern line of Bastions later removed ;
Portico above W. Bastions, subsequent to this removal ; Sally Port and inner
Gateway; Bastion and Tower dominating outer Gateway ; Approached by Roadway
from West and from Harbour Town— the ' Sea Gate ' of the Palace ; Propylon and
Guard-room; Extensive fortification of N. approach; Hall of Eleven Pillars —
probably Depot, with Loggia above ; North Pillar Crypt—M. M. Ill a Construction
and Signs; Crypt of Columnar Sanctuary; Well of Greek Geometrical Period.

§ 20. M. M. Ill : (E) North-West Bailey and Lustral Area . . 405

N.W. Entrance System—scene of initiatory rites; N.W. Bailey and Temenos of
Lustral Area ; The ' Lustral Basin ' : Its Store-house or Treasury ; Stratified deposit
within Basin ; Earlier and Later stages of M. M. Ill represented ; Ritual vessels of

i b