Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 2,1): Fresh lights on origins and external relations — London, 1928

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I 41. South-East Polychrome Deposit (M. M. lid) at Knossos and
Parallel Find at Harageh : Prototype of Ostrich-egg ' Rhytons '.

Cretan intercourse with Middle Kingdom Egypt illustrated by im-
ported polychrome pottery ; Abydos pot with Cylinders of Senusert II and
Amenemhat I 11; Both Cretan and Helladic sherds found in settlement at
Kahun; M.M. II and III sherds at Aegina; M.M. /la. pottery in
deposit of Senusert lis time (c. 1890 b. c.) at Harageh; Contemporary
ceramic hoard beneatk M. M. III houses by S.E. comer of Palace, Knossos ;
' Racquet and ball' motive here seen, also recurs in Harageh deposit; Valuable
chronological datum ; Origin of pattern from tangential looped disks already
seen on Early Minoan seal-stones ; South-East Polychrome deposit also includes
bowls of finest egg-shell class; Contemporary with vases of Royal Pottery
Stores ; Diorite monument of User—a personal offering of priestly Egyptian
personage resident in Palace, Knossos ; Egyptian apprenticeship of Minoan
lapidaries; Xlth-XIIth Ostrich-egg flask from tomb at Abydos; Prototype
of a class of Minoan ' rhytons'; Prehistoric use of ostrich-egg vessels in North
Africa ; Examples of such still in use in Soudan—their magical properties ;
Minoan ostrich-egg ' rhytons' and their derivatives—Comparative Table.

Finally, this intensive Cretan influence on Middle Kingdom Egypt, to imported

which the ' Great South Road' and its maritime outlet at Komo must have Crftan

done so much to foment, has left its record, as already noted, in the remains chrome

of imported vessels of the M.M. II polychrome fabric on more than one Egypt:

Egyptian site. Of these the ' hole-mouthed' bridge-spouted pot from the Abydos

Abydos cemetery,1 which it has been possible to restore in its entirety, is

specially important from the chronological data that it supplies in connexion

with a characteristic example of the M. M. II b ceramic style. It was found

together with Twelfth Dynasty objects, including two glazed steatite

cylinders of Sesostris (Senusert II) and Amenemhat III,2 indicating a date

not later than about 1800 B.C. As quite unwarranted doubts have been

1 See P. of M., i, p. 267 seqq., Fig. 199 and vol. i, p. 268) as sole ruler, but Professor F. LI.
Suppl. PI. IV. Griffith inclines to recognize the associated

2 Owing to bad engraving and the filling cartouches of Senusert II and Amenemhat
with glaze this cylinder is extremely illegible. III. This combination; he adds, is not un-
it was at first referred to Amenemhat III (see common.
