Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Aelian cited, iv. 157

Aeneas, 11. 483

Aeolian Islands, liparite from, I. 23, 87, 412,

494, 11. 169: and see Liparite

-------obsidian from, 11. 56

Aesir, in. 147
Aesop, iv. 509
Africa, trade of with Crete, 11. 742, 756: and see

Egypt, Libya

— North, dolmens in, 11. 181

— — flasks from, iv. 91 n. 2
Agamemnon, 1. 10

— corslet sent to by King Kinyras, iv. 805
Agate pommel of cruciform sword from Chief-
tain's grave at Zafer Papoura, iv. 865

— seal, bead, from N.W. Treasure House

at Knossos, iv. 343

-----------from Mirabello, iv. 493, 576

-----------from Mycenae,in. 230,^.41, 572,610

-----------from Orvieto, iv. 465

-----------from the Peloponnese, in. 218 n. 1

-----------in Cassel Museum, iv. 169

-----------with wounded wild-goat, I v. 542

-----------with couchant oxen, iv. 566

-----------with Genius and cow, iv. 443

-----------worn by Cup-Bearer on fresco from

S. Propylaeum at Knossos, 11. 705

-------cylinder, from Kakovatos, iv. 462, 574

-----------from N.W. Treasure House at

Knossos, n. 619

-----------from Rethymnos, iv. 500

-----------from Arkhanes, iv. 508, 509

-------lentoid, from Kydonia, iv. 466

-----------with lassoing of bulls, ill. 188

-------prism, from Papouda, I. 477

Agesilaos, discovery of prehistoric script at

Haliartos by, iv. 672
Agonistic scenes in M.M. Ill art, iv. 600
Agriculture, Nilotic, influence of on Crete,

n. 54: and see Pastoral
Agrilo Vounaki, Mycenae, remains of Minoan

road near, iv. 60
Agrimi, see Goats, wild
Aha, tablet of, n. 38, m. 314 n. 6.
Ahmose, Queen, n. 35 n. 3
Aigisthos, iv. 26 n. 5

— murder of by Orestes on bead-seal from

Thisbe, iv. 515

— name of, Asiatic affinities with, iv. 517

— 'tomb of, at Mycenae, n. 43 n. 2


Aigisthos, 'tomb of, at Mycenae (cont.)
-----------L.M. lb (and c) pottery from, n. 487,

iv. 244, 293
Ain Shems, alabaster vessel from, n. 256 n. 1
Ain Tab, bull's-head rhyton from, 11. 538, 658
Aiora, festival at Athens, iv. 26
Air view of Palace, facing iv. xxvi.
Aja, goddess, wife of Shamas, n. 266 n. 3
Akaiwasha, raids of on Egypt, described in

records at Medinet Habu, n. 346
Akanthos, city arms of, IV. 536, 537

— coin-types of, iv. 536, 539

— lions found near in time of Xerxes, iv. 536
Akashou, Keftiu name on 'London Tablet',

iv. 517

Akhenaten, pottery from tomb of at Tell-el-
Amarna, iv. 1013

Akish, Philistine name, iv. 517

Akkad, n. 264

Akumianakis, Manolis (epistatis), flair in ex-
ploring transit route (Great South Road),
11. 62 n. 1

Alabaster, banded, found on island of Dia,
iv. 976 n. 1

— friezes from Tiryns, n. 595, iv. 227, 897
-----------date of, iv. 227

— image of, E.M. I, from Central Crete, 1. 64

— imitated in frescoes, 1. 356, 419, 11. 161, 444

-------in pottery, M.M. II, iv. 122

-----------L.M. lb, iv. 271

— use of, E.M. II, 1. 90
-------M.M., 1. 177

— vases of:
alabastra from Room of the Throne at

Knossos, iv. 938
amphoras from Workshops at Knossos,

11. 269, iv. 727
bridge-spout from Temple Tomb at Knossos,

iv. 976
cups, from El Kab, n. 57
— from Vat Room Deposit, Knossos, 1. 170
cylindrical, n. 256 n. 1
figure vase from Byblos, n. 258
-------from Egypt, connected with Ta-Urt,

11. 259

-------from tomb at Rifeh, n. 257

flask, Egyptian, of the time of Rameses II,

11. 179 n. 2
'fonts' from Central Court at Knossos, in. 15,

iv. 936