Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Burials, Minoan, Tombs, Temple (cont.)

-------resemblance of to traditional 'Tomb of

Minos', described by Diodoros, IV. 978

-------of Minos in Sicily, tradition of, iv. 960,

Tombs, Tholos, primitive ossuary type, con-
struction of, II. 35 seqq.

-------date of, 11. 38, 65

-------distribution of, 11. 37-40

-------house origin of, 11. 40, 65

Tombs, Tholos, Mycenaean type:

-------Argive Heraeon, 11. 40, 41 n. 4, iv.

-------at Kakovatos, 11. 43, 364, iv. 243, 402

-------at Kampos, in. 461 n. 7

-------at Krasi, 11. 39 n. 4, iv. 676 n. 3

-------at Menidi, 11. 596 n. 1

-------at Midea, n. 505

-------at Mycenae, n. 40, 41, in. 261

-----------builders of, iv. 237

-----------dating of, iv. 222, 236, 241

-----------Megalithic character of, n. 41

■-----------Minoan origin of, n. 40 seqq.;

lintels compared with those of Mesara
n. 43; similar vaulting of contemporary
well-chamber at Arkhanes, near Knossos
(M.M. lllb, L.M. la), 66

-----------'Tomb of Agamemnon', in. 2

-----------'Tomb of Aigisthos', 11. 43 n. 2

-----------'Tomb of Atreus', 1. 343, 11. 43,

l63-4> 59°. 671, m- 38, 192-202, 517,
iv. 10, 223, 228, 352, 613 n. 1

-----------'Tomb of Klytemnestra', 1. 344,

11. 36, 41, iv. 223, 229

-----------'Tomb of the Genii', iv. 887 n. 2

-------at Orchomenos, I. 202, 11. 205, 592,

594. 599 n- 3. m- 208 n. 2, 371, iv. 242,
-------in Peloponnese, date of, 11. 40, iv,


-------at Vapheio, 11. 364, iv. 243, 419

-------at Volo, 1. 97, 500

Tombstone, see Stela

Urns, burial, E.M. Ill, I. 125, 126

-------M.M. Ill, 1. 584-6

-------from Mochlos, 1. 584

-------from Pachyammos, 1. 126, 585, 11

364, 424, 500, 507, iv. 252
—-----from Sphungaras, 1. 76, 78-80,

672-5, 11. 364


in Crete, at Hagios


Burials, Minoan, Urns (cont.)

— hut-shaped, Minoan relation to Italian,
11. 131-2

-----------to German and Scandinavian, 11.132

-------from Phaestos, 11. 130, 133

Burials, Sub-Minoan and Geometrical, 11.

74 n- 5. 137. 154
Burials, Post Minoan,

Thomas, 11. 76

-----------at Knossos, II. 154, 433

-----------at Matala, 11. 87

-----------near Matium, n. 280 n. 2, 552

Burials, North African, at Chaouach, n. 181

-------at Hadrumetum, in. 420

-------at Kubbah, n. 39

-------in Libya, n. 37

-------at Tipasa, n. 39

Burials, Scandinavian, at Bornholm, n. 132 n. 3

-------at Hammar, n. 132 n. 4

-------in Smaland, n. 132 n. 4

-------at Smalle, n. 132 n. 4

-------in Scania, n. 132 n. 4

-------in Sweden, n. 132, 133

Burials, South Russian, n. 428

Busiris, II. 27

But and ben type of house, 11. 40

-----------Neolithic, at Magasa, 132

-----------E.M. II, at Mochlos, I. 72, 73

-----------tomb, at Mochlos, I. 102

-------of sanctuary on Juktas, I. 158

Butmir, Neolithic pottery from, 1. 114

Buto, see Wazet

Butterflies, Aristotle on development of, in.

149 n. 1

— in primitive mythologies, in. 151 n. 4

— as symbol of human soul, n. 789, in. 149-51,


— gold, from 3rd Shaft Grave at Mycenae,
in. 151

— on' Ring of Nestor' (with chrysalis of Common
White) from Kakovatos, in. 149-51

— on Greco-Roman sarcophagus, in. 154

— on gold scales from 3rd Shaft Grave at
Mycenae, n. 788

— on seals from Knossos, in. 149, iv. 1018

— on sealing from Little Palace, n. 789, in. 68,

-------from Zakro, n. 787

— on stucco relief of Priest-king from Knossos,
11. 787, in. 69
