Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Crystal, pommel (cont.)

-------of sword from Mallia, 11. 273

— pyxis-cover from E. Treasury at Knossos,

HI. 410

— scarab from Beirut, IV. 535

— seals of, M.M. I, 1. 199, 271, 273, 274

------- M.M. II, iv. 93, 523

-------M.M. Ill, 1. 673, iv. 511

-------from Arkhanes, I v. 93, 315

-------from Idaean Cave, 11. 607, iv. 211, 344

-------from Knossos, iv. 588

-------from Phigalia, iv. 466

-------from Siteia, 1. 274, iv. 523

-------from Sphungaras, 1. 673, iv. 511

— spindle-whorls, from Amira, 11. 174 n. 2

— supplies of, at Knossos, iv. 931

— tablet from near S.W. House, m. 88

— tessera from stone box by S. House, 11. 373

— vase with double axe from Egypt, 11. 28
Cuirass, see Corslet
Culverts of viaduct at Knossos, 11. 96
Cuneiform inscription of Rusas II, 11. 169 n. 2
Cup-bearer fresco, 1. 8, 550, 11. 337, 353, 684,

704-12 (Coloured PI. opp. p. 707), iv. 3, 6

— high position of in Egypt and under Oriental

monarchies, iv. 806
Cups, bird's-nest, from near Stepped Portico at
Knossos, 11. 633

— bronze, from Mochlos, M.M. Ill, in. 177

— Communion, Greek Orthodox, iv. 391 n. 6

— diorite, from Knossos, n. 57

— faience, from Deir-el-Bahari, n. 57
-------from Enkomi, iv. 765

— gold, from Mycenae, near Grave Circle,

iv. 365

-----------3rd Shaft Grave, n. 504

-----------4th Shaft Grave, 1. 223, 469, 11. 188,

iv. 183 n. 4, 363, 391, 958

-----------5th Shaft Grave, iv. 122, 183 n. 4

-------from Vapheio, 1. 245, 525, 676, 715, 717,

11. in, 276, 363, 452, 790 n. 2, in. 2, in,

177-85, 18?, iv. 10, 22, 444

— 'moustache', Egyptian, from Knossos, n. 57

— of Nestor, iv. 958

— pottery, see under Pottery

— silver, from Midea in Argolid, 11. 507
-------represented on Camp-stool Fresco, iv. 365

— steatite, fragments of, said to have been

found with Ivory Boy-God, in. 444
-------from Apodoulou, IV. 657


Cups, steatite {cont.)

—-----from Hagia Triada, 11. 47, 742, 779, 790,

in. 83, iv. 400

— stone, from Knossos, 11. 633, in. 178

— Sumerian, engraved, iv. 529

— Vapheio type, 11. in, 175, 380, 507, ill. 177:
and see Cups, gold, from Vapheio

-----------represented on tomb of Senmut at

Thebes, 11. 534, 737, iv. 729 n. 3

-----------as sign in Linear Script B, 11. 533, iv.


— votive, from Knossos, 11. 135 n. 1, iv. 3
Cup-sign, in Linear Script A, iv. 715

— in Linear Script A, on base of vessel from
Melos, iv. 715

— in Linear Script B, 11. 533, iv. 687, 715, 729,

— in Linear Script B, coupled with throne and
sceptre sign, iv. 687, 806

— in Linear Script B, in name groups, iv. 715
Cupped-blocks, from Hierakonpolis, iv. 980

— from Knossos, Temple Tomb, iv. 978, 980,

— from Mallia, in. 392-4, iv. 24

— from Mesara tombs, iv. 982

— from Palaikastro, iv. 980 n. 1

— from Phaestos, in. 392
Curia Saliorum, described as hut, n. 131 n. 1
Currelly, Mr. C. T., iv. 28
Currency, Minoan:

gold bars as medium of, iv. 664, 665

-------from Cypro-Minoan tomb at Old

Salamis, iv. 665

— rings as medium of, iv. 664, 665
-------from Mycenae, iv, 664, 665

— 'skilling' from Mycenae, iv. 665
Curvilinear ornament, Egyptian, 11. 176, 195

-------Maltese, n. 18c, 183

-------Minoan, I. 164, 165, II. 176, 185, 193,195,


-------and see Spiral

'Custom-House' at Kom6,11. 88

-------Minoan oil-jars from, 11. 166

Customs control, Minoan, 11. 254, 255, 372

Cutters, copper, from Mochlos, I. 101

Cuttle-fish, see Octopus

Cybele, see Kybele

Cyclades, cylinder seals from, iv. 496

— daggers, copper, from, I. 100

— drain-construction in, n. 299 n. 4