Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Daggers, bronze (cont.)

— from Mycenae, 1. 714-17, 720,11. 361,452,
473. 730.In- 95. II2> JI3> "8-24, 130, iv.
527. 53i. 575. 848

— from Psychro, 11. 754, IV. 845

— from Troy, II. 182 n. 5

— from Vapheio, ill. 96 n. 1, 127, 128
copper, E.M., 1. 99, 11. 182 n. 5

— relation with early Nilotic, 11. 54

— from tholoi near Kalathiana, 11. 80

— from ossuary at Kumasa, I. 21

— from Lagash, 11. 276

— from Monte Bradoni, 11. 169, 176

— from Phaestos, IV. 24 n. 4
flanged, from Hagia Triada, iv. 848
horned, from Mycenae, iv. 848

— from Zafer Papoura, iv. 848

inlaid, from tomb of Queen Aah-hotep, 11.
in, 36l> 453. 649, 73°.m. 112, iv. 266, 527

— from Knossos, 1. 243

— from Lasithi, ill. in, rv. 848

— from Mycenae, 1. 681, 714-17,720,11. 361,
452.473. 73°. m- 95. IJ2,113. "8-24,130,
iv- 527. 53i. 575

— from Thera, m. 130 n. 4

— from Vapheio tomb, m. 96 n. 1, 127, 128
Irish, from Ballygawley, 11. 173 n. 2
leaf-shaped, from French dolmens, II. 172 n. 2

— from Zafer Papoura, iv. 857

silver, from Kumasa, 1. 21, 99, 100, 11. 169
square-headed, on seal from lustral basin of

Room of the Throne at Knossos, iv. 932
triangular, I. 99, 11. 80, 169, 176, 182 n. 5
used in Minoan sacrifice, iv. 42 n. 3
worn by men in figurines from Petsofa, 1. 153
--------on stela above 5th Shaft Grave at

Mycenae, iv. 250
-------on M.M. I seal, I. 196, 197

— prince on cup from Hagia Triada, 11. 791
Dagger-hilt of King Neb-Khepesh Ra, 11. 649

n. 4
-------wooden, with minute gold pins (as

Mycenae dagger), from Normanton, ill.

119 n. 2
— pommel, crystal, from lustral basin of Room

of the Throne at Knossos, iv. 931
Dalmatia, domestic snake cult in, iv. 153
Danae, chest of, I. 311
Danai, supposed builders of Pit-graves at

Mycenae, iv. 237

Dancers, on fresco from Queen's Megaron, I. 8,
550, in. 70, 71, 370, 371, Coloured PI.

°PP- 37°. IV- 6

— in terra-cotta group from Palaikastro, m. 72,

73. 439 n- 2
Dances, ritual, in Crete, in. 69-73, IV- i°°o
-------on miniature fresco from Knossos, m. 32,


-------on vase from Hagia Triada, I. 19

--------on signet-rings, m. 68, 70

-------associated with ecstatic possession, in. 69,

-------in honour of Apollo in Homeric Hymn,

in. 77; at Delphi, iv. 508

-----------Minoan Goddess, in. 72, 73, 75

-------leaping, in. 77

-------modern Cretan, m. 75, 76, 77, 78

-------ring, in terra-cotta group from Palaikastro,

m. 72, 73, 439 n. 2

-------tumbling, in. 77

Dancing-ground of Ariadne at Knossos, in. 74,


— at Knossos, in. 78, 79
Danube, cultural province of, n. 175

— cowries used as ornaments in valley of, iv. 109
Dardany, confederates of Lykians, I. 663, 666
Darfur, route from Benghazi to, n. 756
Date-palm, see Palm

David, expulsion of Philistines from Beth-Shan
by, iv. 168

Davies, Mr. N. de Garis, on tomb of Kenamon
at Thebes, 11. 448, 449 n. 1

-------on use of yellow clay by Egyptian wall-
painters, 11. 449

— Mrs. N. de Garis, copies of paintings in

tomb of Kenamon by, n. 448 n. 2
Dawkins, Prof. R. M., co-operation of in

restored drawings of silver rhyton from

Mycenae, in. 90 n. 2
-------discoveries in Kamares Cave, 1. 239, 264,

iv. 113 n. 1

-------excavations at Magasa, 1. 32, 11. 13, 18

-------on dialect use of bluchos, n. 104 n. 1

-------on ivory figurines from Palaikastro, in.

446 n. 1

-------on ivory relief from Sparta, 11. 246 n. 1

-------on Minoan and Bantu use of sheath, 11.

35 "• 1

-------on string-cut vases, I. 589 n. 1

Dea Caelestis of Carthage, 11. 191