Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Inlays (cont.)

— shell, 1. 412, 413, 479,11. 303, 348, 372, 666,


— stone, iv. 236

— on alabaster, iv. 227, 897

— on bronze, m. 111-33, iv. 848

— on ivory, 11. 732 n. 1

— on steatite, iv. 489

— on stone, 1. 412, 413, 11. 303 373, IV. 234,

Inlayers, Minoan, signary of Guild of, 1. 483-5,

488, 496, in. 408
Innini, Sumerian Goddess, 11. 266 n. 3
Inscriptions, see Script

Insects, on M.M. II vase from Knossos, 1. 240
Intaglio, see Seal
Intarsia, see Inlaying
Inventories, on inscribed tablets, 1. 280, n. 533,

633 : and see Tablets
Ionia, influence of Assyria on early art of, iv.

Ionian Sea., 11. 169

Ionians, confederates of Lykians, I. 664
Ireland, type of halbert from, 11. 170
Iris, associated with Minoan Goddess, 11. 786
—■ on Priest-King relief, 11. 786, iv. 323

— on signet ring from Mycenae, 11. 786

— Cretica, on frescoes from House of the

Frescoes at Knossos, 11. 454, 464

— Reticulata found in Crete, 11. 786

Iron, possibly material of jackal's head rhyton
depicted on tomb of Men-kheper'ra-senb
at Thebes, 11. 746

— lump of from Chamber Tomb at Mavro

Spelio, 11. 557

— magnetic, in Neolithic votive deposit at

Phaestos, 1. 37

— ore, used as Neolithic amulets, 1. 15

— peroxide, perhaps used for toilet purposes,

11. 44 n. 2

— substituted for bronze in proto-Geometric

Age, iv. 376
Ironstone, from Neolithic house at Knossos,
11. 10

— pavements of, used in M.M. II and M.M.

Ilia, 11. 698, 699

-------from Knossos, Central Court, 11. 799

-----------Queen's Megaron, in. 358

-----------S. Propylaeum, 11. 698

Ironstone, pavements of, from Knossos {cont.)

-----------Ante-room of Room of the Throne,

iv. 903

-----------House of the Chancel Screen, n. 395

-----------House of the Frescoes, 11. 395 n. 1,


— threshold block of, Entrance Hall of E.

Corridor, in. 266
Isabella of Castile, prohibition of bull-fights by,

in. 228
Isdubar, types of in Minoan art, in. 515
Ishtar, 1. 51, 276, 11. 266 n. 3, in. 457, 468

— affinity of with Minoan Goddess, n. 838
-------with Cypriote Dove Goddess, iv. 406

— Babylonian type of, 1. 198

— connexion with cow and calf, iv. 555

— cult of, iv. 406

-------at Byblos, n. 838

-------in Sumeria, in. 468, 476

— descent of into Hell, iv. 428 n. 1

— dress of, 1. 197, 198

— double uraeus staff of, iv. 686

— effigy of from Kadesh, in. 420

— temple of at Assur, woman-head cups from,

iv. 771
-------at Babylon, votive clay house fronts

from, 11. 372

-------at Beth-shan, snake tubes from, iv. 167

-------at Kition, snake tubes from, iv. 144

— perhaps represented by figure vessel from

Mochlos, 11. 259

— and see Aphrodite Astarte

Isis, connexion of with Ta-Urt, iv. 437, 464
Isis Pelagia, cult of, 1. 299, n. 251, 252, 243
-------connexion of with Minoan Goddess, n.

-------Cretan cult of surviving in Hagia Pelagia,

11. 251, 252
Isis Pharia, see Isis Pelagia
'Isles of the Sea', tributaries from represented

on Egyptian wall-paintings, n. 166
Ismenion, tomb of at Thebes, pottery from,

n. 136 n. 4
Isodomic masonry depicted on signet from

Knossos, n. 188

-----------sealing from Zakro, 11. 188

-----------vessel from Hal-Tarxien, 11. 188

-------at Troy, 6th City, n. 188


Room of Knobbed Pithos, in. 19, 23 TL..M. cemetery at, I. 298 n. 3, 11. 230, 551

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