Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Lions (cont.)

— seizing horned sheep, IV. 527, 585

— seated, in. 124, iv. 547

— wounded, in Assyrian art, IV. 547, 548

--------in Greek (Oriental) art, iv. 548

--------in Minoan art, iv. 544-8, 551

— butt of ceremonial axe from Ecbatana, II,


— gold, miniature, from Knossos, III. 412, iv.


— hilt of sword on rock carving at Boghaz Keui,

11. 275

— seals shaped as, 11. 55, 80

— on bronze hydria from Cyprus, n. 652

— on dagger-blade of Queen Aah-hotep, n.

649, in. 112,361, iv. 527
--------from Mycenae, in. 95, 120, 123, iv. 527,


— on fresco from Knossos, 11. 332, in. 413, iv.


— on handle of flint knife, from Gebel-el-'Arak

(first appearance of 'antithetic' type), 11.
27,34,111.515, iv. 506

— on hilt plate of cruciform sword from Chief-

tain's grave at Zafer Papoura, iv. 865

— on plaques from 5th Shaft Grave at Mycenae,

iv. 253

— on seals and sealings, Cypriote, iv. 408
-------------Cypro-Minoan, iv. 425

-------------Minoan, I. 120, 123, 274, II. 495 n. 2,

523. 524. 754. m- I20> I23"7> !54.Iv- !69>
170, 461, 461, 462, 486, 522, 525-7, 531,


— on sheaths of Assyrian swords on relief of

Sargon, 11. 274

— on stela above 5th Shaft Grave at Mycenae,

iv. 252
Lion's head rhyton, gold, from 4th Shaft Grave

at Mycenae, 11. 420, 537, in. 4

------------on M.M. III6 sealing, n. 419, 537

--------sign, in Hieroglyphic script, II. 438 n. 4,

in. 126

-------------in Linear Script A, 438 n. 4, iv. 678

Lion's masks, on talismanic bead-seals, I. 673,

674, iv. 446
Lioness, associated with Minoan Goddess, I.


— crest, of votary of Snake Goddess, 1. 504, 505

— head rhytons, in. 4, 199

-------------from Delphi, n. 832, 833, iv. 727

Lioness, head rhytons (cont.)

-------------from Knossos, n. 822, 827, 832, 833,

iv. 727
Liparite, imported into Crete from Aeolian

Islands, 1. 23, 494, 11. 169, 671, iv. 895

— M.M. I use of, 1. 23, 271, 11. 221

— cut by saws, n. 671

— carinated bowls of, I. 23, 86, 87, n. 56,


— shell of Dolium perdix carved in, from Hagia

Triada, 1. 87, n. 56, 833, iv. no

— ewer of, from Lustral Area at Knossos, 1.412,

11. 56 n. 6

— imitated in pottery, M.M. I, 1. 178, 179
------------M.M. II, 1. 239,11. 57

Lissos, upheaval of coast-line near, n. 87 n. 3
Lithinos, cape, possible reference to in Odyssey,

11. 39, 84-8
Lithuania, snake cult in, iv. 150
Livonians, snake cult among, iv. 150 n. 2
Lizard on ivory comb from Palaikastro, iv. 1006
Lo, a cross in the Cypriote syllabary, 1. 516
Lock, see Door-fastenings, Key
Loggia, see Portico
Loin-cloths, see Dress

British Museum, bronze male figurine in, m.


--------catalogue of sculptures in, m. 193

--------sculptures from Mycenae in, see under


--------Minoan seals in, iv. 449, 815

--------vase from Khafaje in, iv. 810 n. 5

University College Museum, alabaster vases
in, 11. 179 n. 2, 223 n. 1

------------Petrie Collection in, n. 210

Long Barrows of Uley and Way land's Smithy,

apsidal recesses in, n. 181
Loom-sign, in Linear Script A, 1. 253, iv. 678,

Loom-weights, M.M. II, from Knossos, 1. 253,

iv. 71
Loop handles, see Handles
Looped band design, L.M. I use of, iv. 339 n. 5
Lotus ornament, Egyptian use of, 1. 18, n. 207

--------Minoan use of, on M.M. II pottery, I.

258, 11. 204

--------on L.M. I relief, iv. 874; ceiling patterns,

11. 205
------------use of on L.M. lib pottery, iv. 308