Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Rhytons, steatite, fragment (cont.)

-------from Room of the Throne, with octopus,

II. 224, 502, IV. 276, 277, 930

-------with boxers, II. 615 n. 2

-------from Sta Hellenika, iv. 600

-------with sacral horns, IV. 201

-------with altar and fig-tree grove, 11. 614

-------with ecstatic devotee, m. 69

-------with bull dragged to altar, in. 184

-------with men with offertory bowls, n.

-------from N. Border of S. Propylaeum, with

bull relief, 11. 702
-------from N.E. area, with superposed pillars,

ill. 64
-------from Tomb of Double Axes, with

quatrefoil inlays, in. 195 n. 1
stone, from near Candia, 11. 231 n. 3

— (marble-like) from Central Sanctuary,
Knossos, in form of lion's and lioness's
heads, 11. 827-32 (Figs. 542-4); remarkable
discovery of snout of similar, in same
material, from Delphi, beneath ahvrov of
Apollo's sanctuary, with votive Double
Axes, 11. 832-4 (Fig. 549), iv. 727

-------Harbour Town, 11. 238

-------Mavro Spelio, 11. 556

— Breccia fragment of, with incisions for
inlays from 'Atreus' Tomb, from Mycenae,
iv. 235 (Fig. 180); restoration (Fig. 181)
(cf. in. 195 n. 1)

— from Sumeria, iv. 315

— from Erech, 11. 264

in L.M. II ceramic ornament, iv. 345
mouthpiece of from Ashur, iv. 779, 780
Richmond, Sir William, on reliefs from Knossos,

n. 783 n. 2, in. 498, 506
Ridgeway, Sir William, on Minos, I. 11 n. 1

-------against use of 'Minoan', 1. 13 n. 1

-------on gold currency rings from Mycenae,

IV. 665 n. 1
Riding, non-existent in Minoan Crete, IV.


— earliest evidence of in Crete, iv. 375

— introduction of in Greece, iv. 830 n. 4

— misunderstood in L.M. IIIc (proto-geometri-

cal) ceramic ornament, iv. 375

— references to in Homer, iv. 830, 831

Rifeh, alabaster figure vase from cemetery at,
11. 256 n. 1, 257

Rims, flattened, of vessels from Spring House of
Caravanserai, 11. 134, 135 n. 2

'Ring of Minos', see Signet-rings

'Ring of Nestor', see Signet-rings

Rings, see Signet rings (for evolution of Minoan
type with bezel at right angles to hoop from
tubular bead-type and pendant seal see in.

139. Ii°> and Iv; 510- 5" (Fig. 454))

— Anglo-Saxon, Chinese type of bezels of—

set at right angles to hoop as Minoan, iv.

510 n. 3
Ring-snake (or grass snake), found at Knossos,

iv. 148
Ritual, see Religion
Rivaltella, shells from, 1. 55 n. 5
Rivers of Paradise, in. 147
Rivets, on halberds from Calvatone, n. 172

n. 1

-------conical, from Ireland, n. 173 n. 2

-------conical, from Mycenae, II. 172

-------conical, from N.E. Europe, n. 173

-------from Spain, n. 170 n. 2

— gold-plated, on silver rhyton from Mycenae,

II. 301

— imitated in ceramic ornament, n. 175, iv.

277. 3°i
Roads, Minoan, iv. 793

-------defence of, 11. 78

-------structure of, n. 71, 92, 576

-------'Great South Road' from Knossos, n. 24,

61, 62, 66, 68, 71, 73, 74, 76-80, 89, 91, 99,

W *54> l55> 22°. 684.Iv- 6. 203, 996
-------paved section of, passing Temple Tomb,

iv. 996

-------South-Western, n. 76, 77, 81

-------Eastern, n. 99

-------from Theatral Area to Little Palace

('Royal Road'), 11. 155, 514, 533, 572, seqq.

-------over Viaduct, 11. 98, 99

-------on right bank of Kairatos, n. 553

-------North of bridge, II. 151, 152

-------from Bridge to S. Porch, n. 61 et seqq.,


-------to Entrance, n. 152, 155

-------to Harbour Town, n. 153, 154, 230

-------near Villa Ariadne, n. 154

-------to S.W. Angle, 11. 165

-------to W. Entrance, n. 165

-------State approach from N.W., 11. 572-87

-------near House of High Priest, iv. 203