Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gaspey, Thomas
Der englische Selbstlehrer: oder Kunst, die englische Sprache, in kürzester Zeit lesen, schreiben und sprechen zu lernen — Heidelberg, 1845

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Why did the three travel- In Order Ihat one of Ihe
lers say: „We are hun- three should go to buy
gry • soinething to eat.

Who went with this in- One of the three.
tention ?

Where? To the town to buy soine-
thing to eat.

What did he who went, I will poison the meat.
say ?

Did he say this to himself? Yes, he did.

Who said to himself: ..I He who went.
will poison the meat" ?

Is it necessary that one of Thus said the three travel-
the three should go? lers.

Is it necessary that the Thus said one of the three.
two companions die?

What did he execute (d) His project.
who went?

What project? That of poisoning the meat.

Did he execute this pro- Yes.

What did he poison? The meat.

Who poisoned the meat? He who went.

What did he put in the Poison.
meat ?

Where did he poison the In the road.

What had he brought? Something to eat?


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