Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gaspey, Thomas
Der englische Selbstlehrer: oder Kunst, die englische Sprache, in kürzester Zeit lesen, schreiben und sprechen zu lernen — Heidelberg, 1845

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23 t e v t e S c c t i ü it.
Sßir machen ben Sdjüter nod; einmal barauf aufmerffam,
bic Uebungen ber vorigen Section geroiffeniwft buvd; ju uejj*
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2öte in ber britten Sectio«, tmiffen folgenbc @ä(je^nS
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Three travellers died. T hey found a treasure in
the road. Tliey said among themselves: We are hun-
gry. One went away to buy something to eat. He
said to liimself: I am going1 to poison the ineat. When
he returned, he executed his project. The other two
assassinated hiin, when he returned with the poisoned
ineat. They remained masters of the prize; but both
died on eating the poisoned ineat. The one who went
away, said to Iiiraself: I am going to act so, that
my companions may die, in order that I may enjoy
the treasure alone; but when he came back, the other
two, who, during Iiis absence had conceived a pro-
ject of enjoying the treasnre between themselves, as-
sassinated hiin. The project was executed; but miser-
able is he who aspires to riches; the three died, and
the treasure and the poisoned ineat remained masters
of thera. Miserable are those who conceive the idea
of enjoying riches. The philosopher who was pass-
ing by, did not go away miserable, neither did he eat
the poisoned meat. The three conceived a similar
project; the three died, and the philosopher and the
world remained masters of the prize. When he who
put poison into the meat came back, his companions
assassinated him, in order to enjoy the treasure alone.
When we are hungry, we must buy something to eat.
When they killed their compauion, they died. One of
the three must go to London. Must a traveller go to
London in order to buy poison? I am going to London.