Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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BENARES IN 1909. 29

a new line between Lucknow and Benares, by a shorter
route, through Pertabgarh. Still more recently this
part of the line has been connected with Allahabad by
two different routes, and another bridge has been built
over the Ganges, just outside Allahabad.

The Bengal and North-Western Railway has also
been brought into Benares by a bridge built over the
Barna. This connects Benares with the parts lying to
the north and north-west, on the same side of the
Ganges. This line has now been extended in the oppo-
site direction towards Allahabad, in fact is open as far
as Jusi, close to Allahabad. Another bridge over the
Ganges is to be undertaken, which will take the line
right into Allahabad.

The European population of Benares is not large,
but is increasing, mainly owing to the larger staff on
the Railways. There is the usual stafl of Civilians, plus
a Commissioner (as Benares is the centre of a Division,
as well as of a district). There are the officers attached
to a native regiment, and about two companies of Eu-
ropean troops. European officers are in charge of the
Divisional and District Jails, there are the members of
the Railway staff, a fairly strong force of Missionaries,
and a few others.

The city has been greatly improved during recent
years. The Municipality, aided by the Government,
has undertaken some big operations, such as the Water-
works, and a Drainage Scheme. Vast improvements
have been effected in the matter of sanitation. A Eu-
ropean idealist, visiting the city, upon hearing a remark
of this character, discourteously expressed some curio-
sity to know what things were like before the improve-
ments were effected, but he was evidently unfamiliar
with the average condition of sanitation in the East, and
we did not take him too seriously.