Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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8. Australien und Südsee


1454 Flinders, M., Reise nach d. Australland 1801—03. Übers, v. F. Götze.
2 Bde in 1. M. 1 Karte. Weimar 1816. Hldrbd. 12.—
1455 Forrest, Th., a voyage to New Guinea and the Moluccas from Balam-
leangan, includ. an account of Magindano, Sooloo etc. during the years
1774—76. 1t is added a vocabulary of the Magindano tongue. With portr.
and 32 plates (views, maps etc.). 4. Lond. 1779. Ldrbd. 50.—
1456 —• — With portr. and 32 plates (views, maps etc.). 4. Lond. 1780. Con-
temp. hf.-calf., gilt back. 45.—
Second edition. Some 11. slightly spotted, otherwise a fine copy.
1457 Forster, J. R., Tagebuch e. Entdeckungsreise nach d. Südsee 1776—80
unter Anführung v. Cook, Clerke, Gore u. King. M. 1 Kupfer u. 1 Karte.
Berlin 1781. Pappbd. 30.—
1458 — descriptiones animalium quae in itinere ad maris australis terras 1772
et 74 collegit. Berol. 1844. Lwdbd. 20.—
1459 Forster, J. R., et G., characteres generum plantarum quas in itinere ad
insulas maris Australis collegerunt, descripserunt, delinearunt, annis 1772
et 75. Fol. With 78 plates. London 1776. Orig, marbled calf, gilt
back. 180.—
Sabin 25 134 (quotes ordy the quarto edition). Brunet II, 1346: „Les e x e m -
plaires de format in-fol. sont trös rare s“. Lowndes II, p. 821.
Pritzel 2981. Jackson p. 111.
One of the earliest works on the flora of Australasia. The
authors were commissioned to accompany Captaln Cook on his second voyage, the
present work being the result of their investigations of the flora.
Splendid presentation copy of the rare folio edition with dedication to N. J.
Jacquin, famous Botanist and traveller (1727—1817). — Special large paper copy. The
plates are slightly browned as in all copies. Library stamp on title-page. Binding
somewhat rubbed.
1460 Fromholz, H., zu den Antipoden. M. 138 Abb. u. 3 Karten. Berlin 1903.
Lwdbd. Als Manuscr. gedr. M. handschriftl. Widmg. d. Verf. 15.—
1461 Garnier, J., la Nouvelle-Caledonie depuis sa decouverte jusqu’ä sa prise
de possession par la France le 29. IX. 1853. Paris 1869. Extr. 27 pp. 2.—
1462 Garran, Hx A., Australasia illustrated. 3 vols. With 4 front., 49 plates and
num. ill. in the text. Fol. Sydney 1892. Orig.-Lwdbde. 60.—
1463 Gilbert, Th., voyage from New South Wales to Canton 1788, with views
of the islands discovered. W. title-vign. a. 4 folded engr. plates. 4. Lond.
1789. Old marbled half calf, back gilt. X, 85 pp. Rare. 30.—
Fine large-paper copy of thia highly interesting work on Australia and China.
Broad margins.
1464 Godinho de Eredia, E., Malaca, Finde m&ridionale et le Cathay. Manuscrit
original autogr. appartenant ä la Biblioth. Roy. de Bruxelles. Avec lettre
autogr. et carte des döcouvertes de l’Australie en facsim. Gr.-in-4.
Bruxelles 1881. 82 ff. 70.—
Preliminary edition containing the printed text and the facsimile of the ms.
This work is of the greatest importance for history of the discovery of Australia.
1465 Gouger, R., South Australia in 1837 in a series of letters. London 1838.
Cloth. 3.—
1466 Hom, W. A. — Report on the work of the Horn scientific expedition
to Central Australia, ed. by B. Spencer. 4 vols. With many partly col. pl.,
1 map and illustr. 4. London 1896. Lwdbde. 40.—
1467 Howitt, R., impressions of Australia Felix during four years’ residence in
that colony. W. a plate. London 1845. Cloth. 6.—
1468 Hunter, J., an historical journal of transactions at Port Jackson and Nor-
folk Island, and the discoveries of New South Wales and the Southern

Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig, Königstraße 29. Katalog 633
