Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Reisen zu Wasser und zu Land

translata per J. T. Freigium. With folding woodcut. 12mo. Noribergae, in
off. Cath. Gerlachin et haeredum Joh. Montani, 1580. 46 11. the last
2 blank. Red. mor. 420.—
Sabin 25 994. Ledere 2775.
A very rare volume giving details of Frobisher’s famous voyage to the Northern
Bay and the Straits which now Garry Hudson’s name. He gives a description of the
customs and manners of these lands and of other unknown and marvellous things.
Thls is the first Latin edition of Frobisher’s second voyage in 1577. The woodcut
represents Frobisher in a canoe, throwing darts at wild fowl, and the Greenlanders
in their costume.
1532 Gaimard, P., voyage en Islande et au Groenland execute pendant les
annees 1835 et 1836 sur la corvette La Recherche. 7 vol. de texte in-8 et
4 vol. d’atlas avec 237 planches lithographiees in-fol. Paris 1838—51.
D.-veau. 580.—
Sabin 26 330. — The first comprehensive and thoroughly scientifio pubiieation on
Greenland and Iceland, even nowadays unrivalled by the beauty of its lithographic
The work is divided as follows:
I. Histoire du voyage p. Gaimard et Mequet. 2 vols. — II. Physique p. V. Loftin,
— III. Histoire de l’Islande p. X. Marmier. — IV. Minöralogie et göologie p. E. Ro-
bert. — V. Littörature islandaise p. X. Marmier. — VI. Zoologie et mödecine p. E.
Robert. — VII. Atlas zoologique, mödlcal et göographique containing 4 maps and
46 mostly coloured plates (all that has been published). — VIII. Atlas hlstorique.
2 vols. With front., portr. and 149 plates (numb. 1—143, and nos. 2, 45, 122, 123, 131
and 189 bis).
A clean and well preserved copy with very fine impressions of the plates.
1533 —- voyage de la Commission scientifique du Nord en Scandinavie, en
Laponie, an Spitzberg et aux Feröe 1838—40 sur la corvette La Re-
cherche: Atlas zoologique. Av. 70 (au lieu de 76) planch. color. In-fol.
Paris vers 1848. En portef., d.-toile. 60.—
Cet atlas n’a jamais 6t6 terminö, Texemplaire renferme tont ce qui en a paru
sauf 6 planch. Savoir: Oiseaux. 6 pl. — Poissons. 19 pl. (numßr. 1, 4, 5, 7—9, 11—22,
16 B. Manque pl. 6) — Crustacöes. 35 pl. (numör. 1—5, 7—11, 13—20, 23—31, 37, 38,
40—43, 5 A, 11 B. Manquent pl. 6, 22, 35, 36, 39). — Infusoria. 10 pl.
1534 Harriman Alaska Expedition of 1899. Vol. 1, 2, 10, 11, 13. With num.
plates (partly coloured) and illustr. in the text. 4. Washington, Smith.
Inst., 1910. Cloth, top gilt. 55.—
I. Narrative, glaciers, natives by J. Burrongles, J. Muis and G. B. GrinneH. —
II. Hist, geography, resources by Dali, Keeler, Fernow etc. — X. Crustaceans by
Rathbun, Richardson etc. — XI. Nemerteans by W. R. Coe. — Bryozoans by A. Ro-
bertson. — XIII. Land and fresh water mollusks by W. H. Dali. — Hydroids by
C. C. Nutting.
1535 Heuglin, M. Th., Reisen nach d. Nordpolarmeer, 1870 u. 71. 3 Bde. in 1.
M. 3 Karten u. 25 Taf. (2 färb.) u. Textabb., Vorw. v. A. Petermann.
Braunschw. 1872—74. Hlwdbd. 8.—
1536 Hooker, J. D., botanist and traveller, a. 1. s., addressed to Al. v Hum-
boldt. Kew, Aug. 7th, 1857. 2 pp. 8 vo. 10.—
Recommends a photographer who hopes for the privilege of obtaining a sitting
from Humboldt.
1537 Hulsitis, Lev., warhafftige Relation der dreyen newen vnerhörten selt-
zamen Schiffart so die Holländischen vnd Seeländischen Schiff gegen
Mitternacht drey Jar nach einander als Anno 1594, 1595, vnd 1596 ver-
richt. M. Titelvignette, Wappenstich, 1 ganzseit. Holzschnitt u. 32 (statt
34) gest. Taf. u. Karten. 4. Nürnbg., Christ. Lochner, 1598. Pgtbd., 120.—
Sabin 33 655. Asher p. 22—33. J. Carter Brown I, p. 452.
10 unn. Bll., 146 SS., 32 (statt 34) Taf.
Hulsius’s Reisewerk. TI. 3. — Die Tafeln gehören unter die ersten Darstellungen
der arktischen Entdeckungsgeschichte. Eine Karte zeigt Amerika, mit Kalifornien als

Karl W. Hiersemann, Leipzig, Königstraße 29. Katalog 633