Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1953

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November 15, 1953



At a pleasant function
where a big gathering of
the staff and the contrac-
tors of the W. & B. De-
partment, Darjeeling Divi-
sion, gave a farewell party
to Sree Maui Kanti Guha,
I-.xeeutive Engineer, Works
and Building Department
Darjeeling Division on his
transfer to the Burdwun

On the spacious lawns,
adjoining the- Divisional
office the programme com-
menced with a . proposal
by Sree S, M. Roy, S.D.O.,
Kurseong inviting Sree
Nihar R. Ghosh to preside
over the function ft was
seconded, and he took the
chair amidst hear.ty app-
lause. ^liss Mandira Chet-
rini, then garlanded the
chairman, Sree, Sm. and
Miss Cuba. •' '•

A farewell address on
behalf of the .staff and
contractors of the Darje
eling Division was read
by Sree P K. Dntt.

In his reply the Exe-
cutive Engineer, cxp'ained
the duties of an officer
wherein the staff working
under him might benefit.
Efficiency is always the
aim and though there are
at times lapses and weak
links that does, in no ay,
call for no deficiency. It

tSimnlnijan Simc*


Nov. 10

is the will to accomplish ,
things which counts most.
As in the Hindu belief of
reincarnation we knowthat
the material self will sooner
or later whither awav but
the sotd still carries-on to
attain the purpose for which
it was intended. The world
may pass away but the
soul Will not, So in office,
ideals are visualised which
if riot accomplished will .
be taken up by successors
and to and so forth till1
success is at last attained.
We arc just one link in
this-groat chain of achieve-
ment Where we have
failed,- we still have the
hope that it will some
day be accomplished* if
tr.t by ourselves, by",those ■
who will follow us .Truth
is flie 'guiding factor It
helps to exercise discipline -
and When discipline is
maintained, success is the

Refitring to the people
of the district, he said
that nowhere had he come
a cross such a fine people,
so simple' and pure of
heart. He hoped that time
wou'd not mar this tribute,
just as time would, not
mar the beautiful surround-
ing in with they lived.

The president gave a
short speech and the pro-
ceeding terminated with a


ship examination

Darjeeling, Nov. 10

The Primary Final Scho-
larship Examination will
be held on Monday, De-
cember 21, 1953 and the
following day in lieu*-of
the Departmental Exami-
nation known as Primary-
Final Examination, The
Examination will bs con-
ducted by the Director of,
Public Instruction, West

Each recognised Primary
School including indepen-
dent recognised Units of
Secondary Schools shall.be'
entitled to send four candi- '
dates, But the Chief Ins-
pector, Primary. Education
shall have the right to
increase the. limit of can-
didates in case of deserv-
ing schools. Each candi-
date for examination shall
be required .to- pay a fee
of Rupees two which will
not' be refundable utsder
any circumstances.

The last date for depo-
- sifc of fees to the office
of District Inspector of
Schools concerned is No-
vember 30, 1953.

vote of thanks to the

Later, when tea was
being served, Sree Mani
Kanti Guha m o v e d
amongst his coworkers and
friends, and as far as
possible, shook them by
their hands in wishing
them good bye.

EARLY REPAIRS PROLONG RADIO LIFE — Darjeeling Radio Co., Darjeeling