Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1959

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AT KALIMPONG, Ufk fftNBAKY W59. oJf£Si^^

sioner of Iqdje, »*W he

l. At sunrise ... Prabhat Pheri. hoped to oomplete polling

A « a«. ... Hoisting of National Flag at Court J^ta next g«.ral d»

Buildings by Shri R. N. Sen Gupta, l.a.s. In the first general

Snb-divisional Officer, Kalimpong. All eleotion polling wm spread

Govt, officials are requested to attend. over throe monthi, while

, 9 am ... Police Parade at the Mela Ground, In teoond polling wai

J" ' Shri R. N. Sen Gupta, i.a.s., Sttb diiii. completed in 19 deye.

sional officer, Kalimpohg will take the »«•• Hundarara told

jT salute. National anthem will be sung preeimen it would not be

by the students of Janata College. possible to^oomplete pol.

a 10 30 a.m. ... All Fahh's Prayer at the Mela Ground. lin« in. d*7 ln th*

5. 11 a.m. ... Ritual spinning at the Mela Ground. |n, TMtniii 0f (ha 00Un-

Distribution of garments to the poor tr_ and i„»d,qn»te men-

and deserving persons at the Sub.divL power resources In oourse

sional officers' office (various aseocja- io? jjni perhaps it would

tion toave been asked to furnist lists jg possible to reduoe the

of such persons). ,eriod to „„, we#k> h,

6. 11.30 a.m. ... Free Cinema shows to the school added,

f children at the Novelty & Kanchan The oommlssion he|

Cinema Halls sponsored by the Home said was working on this,

(Publicity) Deptt. Govt, of West Bengal--

and by the courtesy of the manage. NOTICE

ment of the Cinema Houses and the Notice is hereby given

Films Division, Government of India that Shri Chang Nei Chan

(Admission on tokeps issued from (he «f Tirpai Road, Kalim- •

Publicity Office, Kalimpong) pong'District Derjeeling ]

7. 2 p.m. to 2-30 p.m. Folk Dances at the Mela Ground. ia applying to the See.

rotary to the Government

S. B.— The National Flag (which is flown everyday from of India in the Ministry

~\ sunrise to sunset on all important Govt, build- of Home Affairs for na>

ings) should be hoisted on a 1 Govt, buildings turaliaation and that any

at ^sunrise on January 26 for that day only and person who knows any

hauled down at sunset. There would be for that reason why naturalisation

a general permission tip thqisj ^he national flag should not be granted

on all private' houses, commercial & business should send a written

premises. signed statement of the

R. N. Sen Gupta, I.A.S. facts to the .aid Secretary.

, Sub-Divisional Officer, 8ub'.DiTisional Officer

Kalimpong. .KaWmp6ngT"T*"