Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1959

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June 21, 1*69



Kathmandu, June 17

Pt. Jagannath Upadhyaya at Gangtok King Mahendra, throu-
gh a Royal proclamation

Gaug*ok, June 18 this afternoon, fizsd.Jpria

• 30, his birthday, as the

On the evening of In speaking of BuddhUt "appointed day" : from

13th June 1859 Pandit dootrine ef Mokuba, the which Nepal's new (Jons-

Jagannath Upadhyaya, speaker drew -attention titution Will beoome effeo-

Head of-the Department to Bedhisattyavada of tive.

of BuddhUt Philosophy Mahayana, ao ideal which It js 0gc:al)_ iearDt

Sanskrit University i Va. stands for Mbksha as the thftt at f{m Jm th()

ranasi gave a talk in the end of « i«to^ enterprise eUcted melpb„8r- 0f th,

hall of hamgyal Institute on the part of the entire Prfttinidhi Sabha will be

of Tibetology on the na- mankind. In his prehmi gworn in. lh, 8W,aring.

ture and concept of Mok- oary observations the j„ ceremony will extend

she in different systems learned speaker said that beyond midnight the

of Indian Philosophy. .th«.Trana Himaleyancpun- time table has been so

Notwithstandtogbsaicend trie* like Tibet were^ot arranged as the late King

seoondary differences bet- only, reaepients of,Indien Tribhuvan's birth anniver-

ween the different sys- doctrines but also made iJk fallj on jn, j_ Both

terns, BrehmanicalorBud- aotive contrirjution to.tbe d(ktej afe oon.iderad an().

dhist, the concept of development of Sadhana ' pj0j0ug'jn Nepal.

Moksha remains the same. in India. r r _ . .

... .. ___,___ _____ „,„....», . According to official

All the systems agree The Sikkim Research tomcett the* formalilies

that suffering is the pre- In,tjtute of Tibetrlogy. ?„ " „d la th- ^.«tion

pondevant fact oHif. and op,nd by Sri Jaw.ha{... » ^"^^ber. o 0,e

escape from, uffer.ngoobj- Nehru on 1st October Senate and nominaUon

titutes Moksha. Ihe dif- ,9fi8 has been renamed „f .„ntW IR hv th« Kincr

ferenoe. ar.i about *. a.^N.mgya. Institute of Jftjg*Jj$S&fa

W'J m t ; Lt I Tibetology. in reoogn.tion memberB ,m*a lnon

agreement is about the nf, the patronage extend- T I „2

transcendental need fcr ed to Tifeatologists for _£__,_

eseape nearly sixty years now ALL. MOTOR VEHICLE

In developing this by the Ruling Dynasty OWNERS

thesis in mist lucid of Sikkim The House Avoid

'"TO6 J,8g*n; name of the Ruling ny- Monsoon Inconveniences

nath Upadhyaya referred nasty is Namgyal. yse Qur

to the fallacies about - ■-- ■ „ SO(,T„

Aetikavada (Theinn) and . w STOCK OF ON THh SlVOT

Nart kavade (Atheism) & ■ Repairs & Spray. Painting

illustrated how the same l\Br^Bf>l£ ^ Service,

oharges of Atheism or ~MJU%sB*'-& . Write to :

Agnosticism have been just Unpacked At THE NEW GARAGE

&gSSS$$$& H.ma.ayan Stores Utajj*.

rent schools of thought. • KAUMPONG. Phone. Kpg. 284.