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Himalayan Times — 1962

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January 7, 1962 Himalayan Times


SYMPOSIUM <M HIGH ALTITUDE PrtOMMS g«* * o.i.«»u, *>,.• hi-

ralal Sana.

Defence Minister in Darjeeling the DireotorGeneral

Darj»oling, January 6 °f Armed Force* Medical

Service*, Lt. Gen. ti. P.

Mr. Krishna Menon, _ before the Government -Bhatia said that while
Union Defenoe Minister, requiring solution Mr. r mountaineering had its
said here today that the Menon said they were the own charm* they "as
Iodan Army had to live period of acclimatization military doctors were^ in-
to great heights under at different heights, dii- tere»ted not only in it*
extremely diffioult oondi- ration (J >t»y at various adventurous side but also
tions thcugh they were altitudes, production of jn maintaining physioal
• no* mountaineers. oxygen apparatus in large ' fitness of troops who un-

Mr. Menon was inau- number, types of food lilce mountaineers had to

gurating the international *od clothing to be used, live' for prolonged periods

symposium on high alti- alteration in diet habits at high altitude*". -

tude problems, the first amount of weight to be In the „

of its kind in this coun- carried, medical facht.es _ fih Bftidi * ffi'j t |V

try- ",d. treatment of the s.ok uDtjon ^ Mt Been ^

Expressing hi- delight anawounaeo- . to the traiuiug of medical

at the initiative taken by Earlier, the Principal officers and men in moon-

the research and develop- of the Himalayan Mnun- taineering. He urged that

ment organization of the taineering Institute Brig, more Army dobtors should

Defenoe Ministry in con- Gayan Singh, in welco- take part in expeditions

tributing to the growth rning delegates to . the , in. increasing numbers as

of scientific knowledge in symposium traced back there was considerable

respeot of high altitude to the inoeptio'n of the soope, for research in this

problems, the. Minister institute and pointed'put'' field.

paid considerable amount that thpy had tried to jhs Oefenoe Minister
of work had already been learn from the experience was introduced to all
done in this direction at of others in mountaineer-' foreign delegates and
Defense Laboratories in ing and had also paid shown round various lie-
Delhi and Landnur (Miis- the price. Durng the partments of HMI. He
■oorie) first four pear* »ix Indians opened mountaineering

Mr. Menon added l"*t their livs* in moun- exhibition at Gymkhana

while the piountaiue?rs tains through ailment* Club of photographs and

had to stay at heights . not properly diagnosed. equipment used by 19K0

only for short periods the . jj9 gaj,j as an jm. Indian Everest Expedition,

soldiers had to live there portant adjunct the wsti. ' „. .... ~

for prolonged duration tute bad reoent|y BPt up GET your copy of

always ready to under- a higll tt|titua> physu.lo- • DAILY MIRROR

take severe phyaioal exer- gical reBearch laboratory * TIME

tion and prepared for any having modern technical # READERS' DIGEST

eventuality under regorous equipment where even ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY

conditions. research work has been FILM FARE

Referring to the prob- started under the puid nee HIMALAYAN STORES,

lems that have come up of a wellknown physiolo- KALIMPONG.