Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

January 14, 1962


Tenders in sealed oovers
superscribed "Tender for
Bamboos" are invited by
the undersigned on bebalf
of the Governor of West
Bengal, for supply of 3 jOO
(Three thousand] full length
Mala Bamboo* to be deli-
vered at 18 line, Ipeoao
Nurseries, Mungpoo Divi-
sion, Qovt Cinchona Plan-
tation, Mungpoo.

The rate should be
quoted per 100 runing feet.
Base of the bamboo should
be eight (8) inohes or more
in girth and four (4) inches
at the top. Deformed and
damaged bamboos will not
be aeoepted.

Tender together with
earnest money of Rs. f 0/-
■hould reach the under-
signed on or before
20-1-1962, within the
offioe hour.

Suocesf"! tenderer will
have to eign a final agree,
ment of nontraot and to
deposit 10% of the total
value of works as Security
Dsposh which will be
- forfeited in case the ten-
derer fails to fulfil the
terms and conditions of
the contract.

The right is reserved
' by the undersigned to
reject one or all tenders
without assigning any


Qovt Cinchona Plantation,



Tenders in sealed covers
superscribed 'Cowdung' are
invited on behalf of the
Governor of West Bengal,
for the supply of 3000
(Three thousand) maunds
of matured Cowdung to
be delivered as detailed

1. Mungpoo Division—
18 line:-2000 node 2. Lab-
dab Division — Bbalutar
=500 jpds , 3. Labdah—
Dhonray line — 600 mds.

Rates to be quoted
separately for each pl»ce
of delivery. Rates to in-
clude bags, packing, oar-
riage, weighing etc.

The works to be com-
pleted within eight weeks

of final acceptance.

Sample of oowdung
; may be seen at the office
of the undersigned on any
working day within offioe

Tender along with an
earnest money of Rs. 60/- -
to reaoh the undersigned
on or before 20th January
1962, within office hour.

Successful tenderer will
be required to sign a final
agreement of oontract and
to deposit 10% of the
value of the contract as
Seourity Deposit which
will be forfeited in oash
of the tenderers's failure
to fulfil the terms and
conditions of the contract.

The right is reserved

to rsjeot one or all ten-
ders received.

Govt Cinohona Plantation,


Tenders are invited in
sealed covers superscribed
"Tender for That oh" for
supply of following quan-
tities to be delivered at
the following points:

1. 18 line (Mungpoo
Division)—600 mds. 2 Bh-
lutar (Labdah Division)
—600 mds.

The rate should be
quoted for eaoh division
separately, inclusive of
all oharges upto the points
of delivery.

Tender together with
sample of thatob and
Earnest Money of Rs. 60/-
■hould raaoh the under-
signed on or before the
20th January, 1«62, within
the offioe hour

Succesful tenderer will
have to sign a final agree
ment of contract and to
deposit 10% of the total
value of the work as
Seourity Deposit which
will be forfeited to Govern-
ment in the nase of the
tenderer fails to fulfill the
terms of the oontract.

The right is reserved
to reject one or all ten-
ders without assigning any

Govt.Cinchona Plantation,