Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

February 4, 1963



The All India Gorkha League ha*
been branded by interested people and
rival political parties as a oommunal
body. But in fact it ia not. Its mem-
bership is open to all. Hindus, Muslims,
Christiana & Buddhists have become its
prominent members Similarly, many
Adibaaia, many plainsmen, many Lep-
ohae & Bhutias are among our members,
borne of them have worked at times in
the Executive Body also.

The Gorkha League is truly ^re-
gional body, looking after the interest
and grievances of the people of Darjee-
ling, Dooars and Assam While some
grievances are. common to all parts of
India there are others that have a re-
gional character. To taokle regional
problem people need a regional body.
Local problems and their cure or solu-
tion are best known to the regional
leaders. They bave suffered from the
disease themselves, and aa auch they
know its onre while for outsiders it'will
take ysars to study the symptoms and
diagoniae the disease and then find out
a cure. In spite of all the efforts of
the National leaders to deory regional
sentiments and regional partiality or lo-
yalty regional political organisations are
becoming more and more popular and
are gaining strength. A close observa-
tion of trend of popular conception will
convince, one of the truth of what lms
. been said.

I for on*—I reckon thire are many
like mo—fail to understand why there
should be so muoh resentment againet
regional' organisations and regional leader
ship and loyalty. Ibis is only a part
of human nature, or weakness if you
please to oil! it so. Regionalism should

be oondemned only if and when it comes
in conflict with National integration or
s>ty Nationalism. Our Gorkha League,
I do not think has ever come in con-
flict with National movements & Nation
Building programmes. Have not Gorkha
leaders like Agamsingh and Dal Bahadur
Giri and others fought shoulder to shoul-
der with well known National leaders
of India for the liberation of the coun-
try from the British Imperialism? After
the Independence of India have not our
boy* in the armed forces proved their
loyalty and their mettle whenever and
wherever called upon ? Have they flin-
ohed from duty in the face of gravest
danger * difficulty ? If the sons and
daughters of the Gorkha* are rendering
such admirable service* their parents
should not be treated a suspects. They
oan render just as admirable service
towards National integration if they are
trusted. Trust begets trust.

I hops the day is not far off when
India Government will realise that Gor-
kha League has been more sinned against
than sinning. It will indeed be a great
day for all when our Government will
be convinced that the Gorkhas living
in India are a part of the Nation and
not apart from it.

The Gorkhas form a small minority
group in the State of West Bengal.
Fortunately for the community they
happen to concentrate in Sikkim-Par-
jeeling—Lower Bhutan region and have
therefore been able to maintain their
language, culture and pattern of life
whioh is their own. A minority does
always and everywhere suffer from fear-
complex. It should not be oondemned
for it but on the oontrary it is for the
majority community to indulge the mi-
nority a little and asaure it that there
will be no encroaohment on their com-
munity preserves like language and cul-