Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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(Continued from last issue )

While West Bengal Government
under tho able leadership of Dr. B. .0..
Boy has done a lot for the rest of
Bengal (the BurdwanrAaansol belt hai
been turned into the Ruhr of Bengal)
precious , little has been done for North
Bengal. This continued callousness of
the State Government indicates that
either the Government ha» no interest
in the .Distriot or she has no resources
to help the border Distriot. Sorely dis-
appointed with euoh indilferenoe.of West
Bengal those- who feel for the people
have suggested that the Union Govern-
ment should take over the administra-
tion of this Distriot slightly re demar-
cated to make it a homogeneous unilin-
gual oompact unit. We all feel that
the Union Government who is more
defence opnsoious than West Bengal Go-
vernment and who has more resources
at its disposal will certainly do many
such things as will keep the people
oconpied and happy.

This conception has been misunder-
stood or misrepresented by the State
Government officials as a separatist move,
'.'his is certainly 'a move to separate
the Distriot from West Bengal but not
to separate it from the larger body
politic* of the Union of India as some
mischievous people try to distort it.
This is a move born out of sheer dee
peration and frustration.

People with knowledge of the con-
dition obtaining iu this border region
will not be surprised when I say that
the small and poor states of Sikkim
and Bhutan with the magnificent aid
from India have during the last few
years marched so far ahead .of us with
many Development projects that after
few years the ooutrast of economy de-

i ;firfi :■ ' \ '.

velopment between our Distriot and-the
two neighbouring states will become
obvious. This will bring in more heart-
burn and dissatisfaotion to our rising
generation which will do good to none.

Future of the Gorkba League

The Gorkha League's foundation is
laid on solid rook. Sentiment for it is
embedded deep in the heart of ovary
man and woman. A mighty organisation
like All India Congress with varied re-
sources of a ruling parky bat in , course
of 14 years only succeeded in causing
a few defleotion fr. m the rank. The
persuasive Communist Party of India
has gained some ground only—the labour
camps through the Trade Union, but
the mass—educated or uneducated—look
to the Gorkha League as the only orga-
nisation that can give them the correct
lead. It is the only organisation that
the people trust, it is th* only organi-
sation through which they expeot eoo
nomio and political salvation of the
Hill People.

It will not be out of place to
mention here that the All India Gorkba
Lesgue is truly a training School where
politics minded sons and daughters of
the soil have received their training in
politics. It is only the ex-workers of
Gorkha League who are today considered
oompetent to represent Derjeeling Con-
gress and even C. P. I. has in it .ex-'
Gorkha League workers. These workers
are playing important roles in their .or-
ganisations The top rank leaders of
almost all the political parties in the
district have learnt (he A.B C, of politics
in the Gorkha League.

Though Maligned and sinned against
by other powerful political organisations
the Gorkha League hae a great future
and will live and flourish as the sens*
of Demooraoy grows cleaner in the Na-
tional leaders of India.