Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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February 11, 19B2 Himalayan T4mea



Tenders in sealed co-
vers superscribed " 1 en-
der for Transport Agency"
are invited by the Direc-
tor of Cinchona, West Ben-
gal, P. 0. Manfpoo, Dist
Darjeelinf, on .behalf of
the Governor of West
Bengal, for the transport
of Cinchona bark. Food-
stuff, Coal and various
other stores, including
machinery and chemicals,
on behalf of the different
offices of the Ciuohona
Directorate, West Bengal,
over the routes speoified
below, foi the period from
the 1st April, 1862 to
the Hist March, 1963.

(a) Between Siliguri
and Kali tar (b) Between
Siliguri and Bumbi Bazar
(o) Between Siliguri and
Hungpoo (d) Between Sili-
guri and Sukea Khola
(e) Between Siliguri and
Munsong (f) Between K«Ji-
tar and Mungpoo (g) Bet-
ween Rumbi Bazsr and
Mungpoo (h) Between
Rumbi Rszar and Sukea
Khola (i) Between Sukea
Khola and Munsong j)
Between Mungpoo and
Sukea Khola (k) Between
Mungpoo and Munsong.

2. The rates of trans-
port stated in the tender,
whioh should be expressed
per quintal, should be
inclusive of loading and
unloading and tranebhp-
sbipment over road blocks
due to land slides, if any,

and no additional oharge
shall be payable to the

3. The tenderer* must
be owners of vehicle* ba-
vins; valid permits for
plying over the routes,
tendered for and should
give particulars about the
registration numbers and
types of vehicles owned
and of the route permits.

4. Eaoh tender must
b* accompanied with an
original receipted Trea-
sury Chellan for Rs. 500/-
(Rupeesfive hundred only)
representing the Earnest
Money, wbioh should be
deposited into Treasury
under the bead ''P-Oe-
posit & Advances— (Ear-
Beat MoneyJ^Revenue
Deposit" in favour of the
undersigned. The tender
must also bo accompanied
with Valid Sales Tax and
Income. Tax Clearance

6. The selected ten-
derer will be required to
execute aformai contraot
and to deposit into Trea-
sury a sum of Rs. 1000/-
(Rupees on thousand only)
as Security Money for
each contract, within two
weeks from the date of
acceptance of the tender.
Failure to do so. will
entail the forfeiture of
the Earnest Money,

6. The last date of
reoeipt of tenders is the
1st March, 1962 up to 4
P. M. Tenders will be

i Darjeeling, Feb, 9
About 1,600 persons
have been detailed for
election work in the dis-
trict's 339 polling stations.
The electorate comprises
296,38 Voters. In addi-
tion 800. policemen and
the entire, gazetted polios
staff with. 30 vehicles
will be on duty on the
polling days. Another 285
vehicles will be engaged
on election work.

Counting for the Dar-
jeeling and Jorebungalow
oonstituenoiea' (wbioh go
to polls on February 21)
begins on February 26
while counting for the
Siliguri (general) Phansi-
dewa (reserved) and Ka-
limpong oonstituenoiea
.(poll day February 26)
begins on February 27,
Tabulation for the dis-
trict's solitajm Lok ijabha
seat which involves the
additional, oonstituenoiea
of Mai and Nagrakata in
Jalpaiguri district starts
on February 28.



The most centrally situated
Hotel in (alimponf.

opened at Mungpoo on
the 2nd Maroh, 1962.
The Director of Cinchona
is not bound to aocept
the lowest or any tender.