Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

February 18, 1962

Editor :


The election oampaign
throughout the distriot
has oouie to its final phase.
There are feverish activi-
ties everywhere to woo
the voters by different
political parties and inde-
pendent candidates. This
time" there will be a keen
contest for all the seats
and it is difficult to say
anything at the present
moment. We have already
said that the election is
a test of policy and pro-
gramme of the parties. It
is unfortunate that perso-
nal attacks are being made
in puhlic meetings and
most of the speakers de-
vote their time in attack-
ing each other ine'rnd of
describing their party "s
programme and policy.
Your paper has also not
been spared. Speaking at
a public meeting last week
Sri Nar Bahadur Gurung
made some referenoe about
this paper. This outburst
of anger shows the igno-
ranoo of the speaker about
the role of newspapers in
India. Hie threatening
attitude adnptud by the
Congress and its canva-
ssort won't pay any divi•
d 'rid,, ThiB attitude is due
to frustration bt cause the

Congress candidate standi
thoroughly exposed before
his own people to day.


T"h"e Regional Trans-
port Authority, Darjeeling,
invites applications from
the public in connection
with the issue of a Con-
tract Carriage permit for
a vehicle having seating
capacity not more than 7
persons including tbe dri-
ver to ply between Larjee-
ling and Singrim tain.

Applications will be
received by the under-
signed in the office of the
K.T'.A , Darjeeling on all
working days upto 28 2-62.

Applications should be
filed in prescribed form
P Co P.A. or in manusoipt
form or in typed form.
The applicant may furnish
other particulars in sepa-
rate sheets of papers along
with the prescribed form.

Permit will be granted
to the applioant who can
place a brand new vehicle
(WillyB Jeep/Motor Cab/
Land Rover) having per-
manent garage facilities
of their own atSingrimtara.

It is also notified that
all previous applications

in this regard will be
disregarded and such appli-.
oants that had previously
applied should make fresh
applications pointing out
at the same time when they
had previously applied.
Tbe issue of permit is
subject to oonditions as
laid down in See. 51 of
the M.V.Act, other Govt,
orders enforoed from time
to time and other oondi-
tions as may be imposed
by theR.T.A. Darjeeling.
. B. 8E,N GUPTA,
R.T.A. Darjeeling.

V. Santaram's "STRBE"
seleoted by the Indian
Film Industry a* the
Indian eutry for the
' 08CAR" < Hollywood's
Aoademy Award ) and
Produced by Dilip Kumar
—both in oolor—have
created sensation where-
ever released. Both the
films will be screened at
Kalimpong very soon.


Kalimpong, Feb. 17
Speaking in a publio
meeting organised by the
Congress here this after-
noon Sri N. B. Gurung,
West Bengal's, Deputy
Labour Ministtr said that
if the people of Kalim-
pong will elect a Gorkha
Leaguer frcm this consti-
tuency he will see that
Kalimpong is declared a
notified area on 28th ins', 1