Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

March 18, 1962


Tenderi in sealed oo
vers superscribed 'FIRE-
WOOD' sra invited by
the Manager, Government
Cinchona Plantation, Lat-
panchor, P. 0 Kurseong,
Dist Darjeeling, on behalf
of the Governor for the
State of West Bengal, for
cutting »nd carriage of
250 'Pill', eaoh 'Pil' being
6'x6'x2' ft. (approxima-
tely 2 500 mds.) of Fire
wood for the Plantation
for the year 1S62 03 The
firewood ahould contain,
topa and branches of
"Sour', "Katus", "Chi-
lawne", "Panisaj", "An
gare" and similar other
B and C class types ex-
cepting "Toon''.

The rate per 'Pil'
quoted should be inclusive
of all charges (i e. cutting,
carriage from cutting site
to the respective firewood
sheds of the staff pilling,
payment of toy ally to
Forest Dept. etc ) and
should beoompleted within
six months from the date
of aooeptanoe. The *Pils'
should be acourate in size
and should, be without
any 'Kari'. Rotten or
burnt pieces will not be
liocepted under any oir.

An Earnest money of
Rs. 60.00 (Rupees Fifty)
only, in cash must accom-
pany the Tsnder.

The approved tenderer
will have to execute a

contraot in proper, form
and deposit Security
money for Rs. 250 00
(Two hundred and fifty)
or 10% of the total amount
of work, whichever is
more, in the Treasury
within fifteen days after
aooeptanoe of the tender.
If the tenderer, whose
tsnder has been accepted,
fail* to comply with the
foregoing conditions, the
Earnest money is liable
to be forfeited to Govern-
ment. The Security money
deposited by a contractor
is liable to be forfeited
wholly or partially, if
Government suffers any
loss due to negligence or
aots of commission or
omission on the part of
the oontraotor or his em-
ployees in connection with
the work.

The tender should
reach the Manager, Go-
vernment Cinchona Plan-
tation, Latpanchor on or
before 2nd April, 1962
within office hours.

The undersigned is
not bound to acoept the
lowest or any tender.

Govt. Ciuohona Plantation,

P. O. Kurseong,
* Dist Darjeeling.


Tenders in sealed co-
vers superscribed 'CHAR-
COAL" are invited by tha
Manager, Government Cin-
chona Plantation, Lat.

panohor, P. O. Kurseong,
Dist. Darjeeling, on behalf
of the Governor for the
State of West Bengal,
for supply of 600 ' bags
(five hundred) of hard
wood Charcoal for the
Plantation for the year

The rata per bag
quoted should be inclu-
sive of all incidental ohar-
ges, payment of royalty
to Forest Dept. carriage
from Kiln site to Plan-
tation charcoal godown
etc and should be com-
pleted within six months
from the date of accep-
tance. The bags ahould
be of standard size and
full with dry good qua-
lity charcoal as per Fo-
rest Dept. standards and
specifications. \

An Earnest money of
Rs. 50.00 (Rupees fifty)
only, in cash should ac-
company the tender.

The approved ten-
derer will have to execute
a contract in proper form
and deposit becurity
money of Rs. 250.00
(Rupees Two hundred and
fifty) or 10% of the total
amount of work, which-
ever is more in the Trea-
sury within fifteen days
after acceptance of the
tender. If the tenderer
whose tender has been
accepted, fails to comply
with the foregoing condi-
tions, the earnest money
is liable to be forfeited
( Continued en page 9 )