Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

April 1, 1962

darjeeling's public
carrier trade

' Darjeeling, Maroh 28
The entire publio car-
rier trade IU Utir j jf.llilg
it now reported to b:>
in the haii J i of a email
outerie of fmaooii rs, mostly
through benami transfers.
Thin tended to oreaie a
rioioua monopoly, result,
ing in public oirntr freight
charges shooting up phe.

Normally freight bet-
ween Siliguri and Darjee-
liog is charged at Kb. 1 25
rjP. a mauud; it ia now
any thing between Ks. 2
to Ks. 3 a maund while
fish b-skets prev'ously
oharged Ra. 4 eauh .now
average He. 8;

This has resulted in
spiralling prices here both
■for oonsumar goods and
perishables. Truck owners
are so busy that they
run double and triple trips
between Darjeeliug aud
Siliguri daily.

Aooording to the local
secretary of the Road
Tran<port Association on-
det Q >vernm-uit rules only
31 publio carrier permits
are allowed on the main
line on Darj seling Hill
Cart road, lo sin tr^enoiss
up to 10 t-mpo-ary p-r-
in i t ^ are is»u id, I'his too
seems inadequate, parti,
oularly during heavy move-
ments tike pro m msoon
foodgram bu,M up. 1 no
North-Kast I'routier Rail-


Darjaeling, March 27
The Municipal Com-
missioners, in their annual
Budget meeting la<t even-
ing, approved the Budget
Eslimat e for the Current
year. Th >uah bereft of
iiny ailient features, the
Budget reflected the em-
b missing financial p tui-
tion of the, Darjeeling
Municipality. Some essen-
tial repairs to public utility
buildings could not be
carmd out due tu paucity
of funds.

Provision had, howevir
been made lo the revised
pay srales of t' e staff, as
recommended by the Com-
missioners, which amount-
ed to approximately Ks
2:',""0 annually.

Among major projects
which or.uld not be pro
vidrd for was construction
of the Sweeiers Barra k
est mated to cost Bs. (17 000
The o st of spare parts
and raplacrments for
1'ower Houses, amounting
to R«. 57 (It 0 was decided
to be met from the Hy-
dro-E'ectnc Sinking Fund.

The total receipts v as
estimated ut Rs. 2 ,'4, 49
against an estimated ex-
penditure of Ks 2I.M.88?,

way is uube to r leas •
the required unniber o!
wagons on its Hills-ction
and even the Government
has to ilepend partly on
publio carriers.


Wanted an fxperier.ced
M.A or B.A ,B. I. or B A.
Hons Huadniaster for the
Mink High School on
monthly salary of Rs i60
plus UMiel allowance

A B.A <B T. or B A.
lady teacher for Mink
High Sohool on monthly
salary of Rs. 90.00 plus
usual allowances.

Willing candidates
should apply to the Sec-
retary Mink High School
P. 0. Mink, Uaij elinn!
The application should be
submitted along with the
certificates either in origi-
nal or attested by some
readable person. Tbo
application should resc i
"the Sacretaiy on or beloro
the 3lst April iyfi2.
R. B, KA I,
Sei relsry.
Mir k H gli School,
P.O. Mirk,
I'arjeeling. -



toff Stiddcr SI.) .

Nicely Furnished Sinjlf/i onlle
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Centi all) Situated Chowrii s l ee
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Street Within 2 minutes walk.

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