Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

May 6,j1962


New Monasteries



Built in N.E.F.A.
May 2

An ambitious programme
for rehabilitating about
5,000 Tibetan refugees in
India at 17 selected sites in
the Kameng, Lohit, and
Tirap Frontier Divisions in
the North-F.ast Frontier has
been chalked out by the
Agency Administration. All
able bodied Tibetans living at
present in refugee camps,
will soon proceed to these
sites and engage themselves
in building new villages for
themselves. .

The selected sites will
be developed, according to
an approved pattern, into
model villages. Besides a
school, .: dispansarv and
other normal amenities, each
village or unit, of villages
will have an arts and crafts
centre and a Gompa or

Facilities for teaching
Tibetan, English and Hindi
languages will be provided
in the school, while at the
•arts and crafts centres
training will be imparted in
trades such as carpentry,
carpet-weaving, wood carv-
ing and painting The Gom-
pas, built in traditional Ti-
betan architectural pattern,
are expected to become
centres of religious and
cultural activities. .

Since the Tibetans will

lave to depend for their
livelihood mainly' on agri-
culture, cate has been taken
by the l\EFA Administra-
tion to survey the available
agricultural land in the pro-
posed areas. The adminis-
tration will supply materials
for construction of buildings
free of^post and give finan.
cial assistance to the extent
of 50 per cent, while the
Tibetans will contribute free

After the houses are
built, will begin the recla-
mation of land for cu'ti-
vation. The ; overnment will
provide tools and implements
seeds, manure, draft animals
and plants protection
materials free of cost.

he newly constructed
monasteries at Gelling and
Kopu were formally opened
by Mr. N.K. Rustoniji, Ad-
visor to the Governor of
Assam, during his recent
tour in the Siang Division
of the North Bast Froutier

These monasteries have
been built largely through
the local efforts of the
people themselves, some
Government helo having
been given in the shaps
of cement and C I. sheets
The Lama (monks) of
these monasteries are re-

ported to be now arrang-
ing for artists to paint
the walls of the monas-
teries with scenes depict-
ing incidentH in the life
of Lord Buddha and his
disciples. They have alio
at>ked for assistance in
ubtaiuing religious books.

In this connection, it in
learnt that a selected
batch of 13 Lamas, pos-
sibly frm Tonang in
Kameng Divisiou of N t£FA
will be sent early next
wintt-r 011 pilgrimage to
different lituiriliitt centres
in. the country.

According, to a report,
this will be the first of a
sort of annual pil, rimage to
be arranged by the NEFA
Administration and in such
trips the Lamas will be
accompanied by an Assis.
taut-Political Officer who
will guide them.

Kalimporig, May 2
The following persons
were unanimously elected
as the Office Bearers of
the Kalimpong Chamber
of Commerce in its Gene-
ral Meeting held reouutly:

President, Sri Jiwan-
ram Marda; Vice Presi-
dent Sri Keshariohand
Banthia; General Secre-
tary, Sri Hishwanath Agar-
wala; Assistant Storetary,
Sri Rambilasd Agarwala
and Treasurer, Sri Madao-
lall Agarwala.