Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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May c. 1962

Himalayan Times



Notes Exchanged Between Two Countries

New Delhi, May 2

The Government of India
has informed the Chinese
Government that while it
was always willing to ne-
gotiate with the Chinese
Government, it could not
obviously compromise with
any aggression on Indian
territory. Nor could India
negotiate as long as its
territories remained under
Chinese occupation.

In its Note dated April
30, India has informed
China that "it is for the
Government of China to
correct the errors of the
recent years and, by with-
drawing from Indian territory
create the essential condi-
tions for peacel'ul negotia-
tions so that the boundary
question is settled and peace-
ful and cooperative itlations
are re-estabiished between
the two countries."

The latest Note as
well as it, other Notes ex-
changed between the two
Governments were placed on
the table of the Lok Sabha
by Mrs. Lakshmi Menon,
Mtnitarof Slate in the Minis-
try of txternal Affairs.

The Indian Notes> in
the main, protest against
Hie violation of .air space
over Bhutan and Srkkitn
by Chinese aircraft in March

and violations of Indian
territory by Chinese near
Longju and Ladakh in

In a ten-page Note
dated April 30, the Govt,
of India reiterated India's
case on the Sino-Indian
boundary dispute, called up-
on China to vacate her.
aggression in Indian terri-
tory and . create the essen-
tial conditions for peaceful
negotiations so that the
boundary question w as
settled. „•,'•' V '.

The Note said that by
stages since IQ57, the
Government of China had-
illegally occupied a large
area of territory which had
alwavs been part of India.
Until) this process of eh.
trusion and occupation be-
gan, the Sino-Indian fron-
tier had been peaceful.

While agreeingwith the
Chinese Government on the
need tc maintain the status
quo, the Note added that
in recent years, the Gov-
ernment of China had
violated the status quo,
made numerous incursions
at various points along the
boundary and unlawfully
occupied large areas of
Indian territory.

1 he Note also dealih

with the efforts made by
India' to maintain (nertdly
relations with . China and
also to obtain a rightful
place for the Government
of China in international
organizations and for creat-
ing stable and peaceful
conditions, over a 'wider
region of Asia.

The . Government of
China, on the other hand,
had pursued policies iii_
total disregard oi, the fun-
damental interests pf tht»
region and had' created
conditions of' conflict and
tension among the nations
of Asia.

The Note, said that
despite. Chinese ag'»resive
activities the G )vernment
ot India had shown con-
siderable restraint and had
taken various measures to
promote a. peaceful settle-
ment by negotiations. "In
India", the Note adde :,
"There is a long tradition
of peace and non-violence,
/he Indian people, bv cus-
tom and tradition, adhere
to peace and do not look
for quarrels. The boundary
dispute is no q mrrel of
India's seeking. It is China's
quarrel with India."


Wanted immediately
lady teajht-ra B.A. II tiv.,
I.A., I.Sc. for Bidynsagjr
Junior High School,
P. O. Bijanbari, Dist. Uar
jeeling. Apply sharp sta-
ting salary expected to
the Secretary.