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Himalayan Times — 1962

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Htmalanan Stilus


VOL. XV JUNE 10, 1962. NO. XL


8-Year Long Trade Agreement ends.
New Delhi, June 6

The Prime Minister
announced today that
following the expiry of
the Indo-Tibet Treaty of
1054, the Government of
India are withdrawing erf
a reciprocal basis the
Indian Trade Agency at
Gyantte by June 10 and
the Trade Agency at Ya-
tung by June 15.

The Government of
India h«ve .asked the
Chinese Government for
facilities for the two Trade
Agencies to pack, orate
and transfer records and

- As regard the third
Trade Agent of India,
who used to visit Gartok,
we asked for facilities for
him to visit Western Ti-
bet as soon as the Lipu-
lekh Pass was open, so
that he oould wind up
bis mission.

The Government of
India hare told the Chinese
Charge O' Affairs that
none of our Trade Agents
would be functioning as
' sueh with effect from

June 3, but they will
take some time to move
out with their records and
stores, and asked that
certain administrative faci-
lities be given to the
Trade Agents till the date
of withdrawal. 1 he Chi-
nese Government have
asked that,the withdrawal-
of our Trade Aeents in
Tibet should b* completed
within one month.

!-■" - Thef Prime Minister*
who was making a state-
ment in Lok Sabba in
response to a oalling at-
tention notice on the
subject, told the House
that apart from the with-
drawal of the Trade Agen-
cies of the two countries
provided in the I9S4 Agree-
ment, the immediate con.
sequences of the termina-
tion of the agreement will
be the termination of the
facilities provided in the
agreement for trade and
intercourse between India
and the Tibet region of
China. Suoh trade and
intercourse in future will.

to the extent permitted
by e.ach' side, be regulated
by national laws and re-
gulations of the oountries

In reply to a question
Mr. Nehru said that such
small trade as was carried
on between Indii and
Tibet hitherto would be
reduced still 'further with
the closing do.wn of the
three Indian Trade Agen-

Asked by Mr. Pratap
Keshan Deo whether the
Government of . India
whould take up with the
Chinese Government the
transfer of the assets of
Indian traders to India
consequent on the wind-
ing up of their busintss
in Tibet, Mr Nebru said
there had been some
correspondence about that
and India had asked for
certain facilities and what
the member raised would
be part of those facilities
asked for.

Mr H V. Kamath
said that for the first
time in modern history
"Panoh Sbeel" in inter-
national relations was
enunciated in the 1864
Agreement. He wanted
to know whether the
( Continued on page 4 )

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