Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

June 24, 1962


New Delhi, June 22.

It iu proponed to
establish a''Tibetan chil-
dren's Tillage in India,
Mr. Nehru said in the
Lok Sabha on Tuesday.

Replying to a supple-
mentary by Mr. Kamath
at question time, he said
that the village was likely
to be designed on tha
lines similar to children's
Tillage in Switzerland.

Earlier, the Deputy
External Affair Minister,
Mr. DiDesh Singh, said
there were approximately
32,000 Tibetan refugees in
the country. About 8,000
refugees were in the pro
oess of being permanently
rehabilitated on land. A
Urge number of able bodied
refugees were employed on
road-budding work. Resi
dential and day schools
had also been opened for
Tibetan children.

Asked by Mr. Kamath
whether there was any
basis for reports that the
Chinese had succeeded in
infiltrating some spies
among the genuine Tibetan
refugees and whether any
screening of these people
had been carried out. Mr.
Nehru said that some
attempt at soreening hud
been made and a num-
ber of men had been f»pa-
rated from the main body
of the refugees. He could

not Bay whether the
attrmpt at screenine had
been ffrily successful.

Mr. Indrajit Gupta
asked whether it was the
Government's intention
that the rehabilitation
should be carried out in
such a way as to help
the refugees becoming
Indian citizens. Mr. Nehru
said the main object was
to treat the refugees as
Tibetans. "There is" no
attempt to make them
Indian citizens. They may
eventually become quali-
fied to become Indian
citizens. But that is an-
other matter

Mr. Nath Pai asked
whether it was the polioy
of the Government to
enoourage the adoption
of Tibetan children by
foreigners. Replying, Mr.
Nehru said tha Govern-
ment had not encouraged
any such adoption. Some
time bae%. some 20 chil-
dren were taken away
along with the parent of
some of them to Switzer-
land by some Swiss orga-
nizati. n These ohildren
were nrobably settled in
tha children's village there,
Mr. Nehru aaid.

Just Unpacked
hindi rooks

Applications are invited
from suitable women can-
didate for the post of one
Gramsevika and two DaU
for the Welfare Kxten
sion Project Implementing
Committee, Algarab. The
posts are purely temporary.

Scale of pay (a) 7ft-
3 130 (Gramsavika) (b)
55-1-58-2- 00 (Dais)

Qualifications: (a) For '
Granisevika's post, - the
candidate must have.p'ats-
ed at least 8. F./Matric
Examination. Preference
will be given to a candi-
date who possesses Social
Edueation Certificate, (b)
Must be a trained Dai

Application should
reach the undersigned on
or before the 1st July 1962.
Project Implementing
Committee, Algarah P.O.,

For Sale

Agricultural first olass
Khaamabal land consist-
ing of both Sukha and
Pani khet measuring 50.11
acres in the vicinity of
Kalimpong town. Interest
ed parties, please contact.
Post Box No. 267, Hima-
layan Times, Kalimpong.



By David Macdonald
Himalayan Stores,
