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Himalayan Times — 1962

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VOL. XV S JULY 8, 1962. NO. VIU

Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy

BORN: 1882 DIED- 1962

Dr. Bidhan Chandra
Roy, M.D. (Cal.), MRCP.
(Lond.),FRCS(Ene.) D.So.
(Hon.), Rharat Ratna a
giani in India'i political
life and a preat doctor
with a world wide pro-
fessional reputation, died
at the peak of hia glory

Born in Patna in 1SK2,
Dr. Roy graduated with
honours in mathematics
from Bankipur College
fct 18. He had no parti-
cular reason for choosing
(•asdiciue and applied for

Edmission both to the Sib-
ore Engineering College

(grinual Rs. 6/-

and to the Calcutta Me-
dical College. The reply
from thu latter came first;
bo he beoame a doctor.

After leaving Medical
College he joined the Pro-
vincial Medical Service.
When he had been in ser-
vice only a couple of
years, Col Lukie, after
struggling with the pro-
vincial authorities and
finally by appealing to
the Lieutenant-Governor,
got him a two-year study
leave and advised him to
go to England for his
MRCP and FRCS. He left
in Marob 1909.

Returning home in 1911,
he continued his work in
the Provincial Medical

His association with
Calcutta University, begun
in 1916, continued till the
end. In that year he was
elected a Fellow and re-
mained one .till his death.
In 1924 he was appointed
president bf the univer
sity's Board of Accounts,
which pent he resigned
10 years later to become
a member of the Syndi-
cate. This place, too, be
retained till his death.

( Continued on page 2 )

Mr. Purusottamdas Tandon

BORN: 1882 DIED: 1962

Born at Allahabad in
1882, Mr. Purushottamdas
Tandon began bis oareer -
as a lawyer at the Allaba
bad High Court and built
up a substantial practice
bb a junior to Sir Tej
Bahadur Sapru, then one
of that Bar's leading

Mr. Tandon, who had
joined the Congress in
1899, gave up his practice
in 1921 and joined the
( Continued on page 3)

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