Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Four Himalayan Times

Editor !

s. c. jain ||tmalagatih^tm£S


For the firpt time in
history of football game
in Kalimpong an important
semifinal match under
Sudama Shield was stop-
ped by t'b* Courts order.
What oould be more un-
fortunate them this
that this order was brought
by the head of au edu-
cational institution of Ka-
limpong, it is beyond doubt
that there is politics be-
hind this move.

Football is only po-
pular recreation for thou-
sands of people in Kalim-
pong. Kalimpong Sports
Association is managing
the games efficiently so
far and we hope it'll
continue to do so in fu-
ture also.

The present crisis
might hot last long but
it has certainly crrated a
bad preoedent. It is a
challunge to thousands of
Sports loving people of
Kalimpong. Should it be
allowed that a handful of
men, who have praotically
nothing to do, distrurb
the regular running of
football game in Kalim-
pong. The Sports loving

people shall certainly not
tolerate this.


An agreement is said
to have been arrived at
between tea garden owners
in Jalpaiguri and the
West Bengal Government
over the leleasa of sur-
plus land to the latter.

It has been deoided
under the agreement that
the present area under
cultivation plus twioe that
area for future expansion
of the gardens will be
retained and the remainder
will be allowed to be ves-
ted in the Government
under Estates Acquisition

The State Government
is said to be faoing dif-
ficulties in taking posses-
sion of the land thus
being releasrd as in most
eases it is found that the
refugees are squatting on

Kurseong, July 10
In observenoe of AntK
Fly Week, a meeting was
held at the Bloom'field

July 22, 1962

Public Library, Kerseong
Sri K. K. Uas Gupta,
Seoond officer, presided
over the meeting ' rjri T.R.
Agarwala, Vioe-Chairman
Kurseong Municipality &
Dr. S. I'kil. Sub-divisional
Medical Officer spi ke on
the purpose of observing
the Anti-Fly Week & the
menace of fly to the
health of the country.

In his Presidential ad-
dress, Sri K.K. Das Gupta
stressed the need of diny-
ing breeding grounds to
the fly, that is, striking
at the very root of the
problem. After the meeting
film on health and allied
subjects were shown by
the Publicity Department.


Kalimpong, July 21
Two local men who
had been to Nepal and
took aotive parts in Ma-
pal politics, are now a
days taking active part
in Kalimpong politics.
One of this men was in
Nepal few years ago du-
ring the last General
Elections in Nepal. How
can an Indian citizen do
this? The same man is
now a days trying to
come in lime light again.
What is the motive be-
hind these activitiee?'The
political circles in Kalim-
pong are surprised. Does
the intelligence branch,
here, know about it?

A thoght for to-day. Those who apply themselves too much to little things
Usually beoome inoapable of great things.