Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Ijunalanatt Cl I nu s




Chinese incursion as an

SITUATION UNDER CONTROL "outright rejeotion" of

India's offer to China to

New Delhi, September 13 start preliminary talks on

the Sino-Indian border

Reports that Chinese Chinese intrusion w b s dispute.

troopB have intruded into statBd to be the "area

NEFA were officially con- of the injunction of Bhu- CHILDREN S FESTIVAL

firmed here today. tan, NEFA, Tibet." It IN DARJEELlNG

This is the first time was claimed that no clash Darjseling Sept. 11

since the Longju incident had taken plaue. T , .. j '

in 1959 that the Chinese The spokesman added , " waS <^'laren 8 day

have crossed theMcMa. that the Eastern Com. here today. Three school

, T - j , , children—one from a pn-

hon Line. maud was m touch with , , c ,

. • ___* it . j aaary school—formed the

As 10 the pest, the the poat and "hag the ,

TI . n____ ' „ -if- u j ■) presidium and made bui-

Union Government was aituation in hand." f tl , . .

.... ■ , • i j i ,1 re ■ i . . taol*! speeches on the

reluctant to give detailed The bald offioial state- r f .

. r ■ j ■ . i . j - , - occasion of opening the

!Qiormation regarding the ment cave no intimation ^, , . r ■ °,. ,

■ rru *„ u ■ f r a c it. tL t three day international

intrusion. The two brief of the nature of the threat ,., , % r-. 7. , „

K. , . . ■■ , . j , rtt- j chi Giena ieBtiva a Lapi-

cial statements issued that the Chinese advance k . ^, . T. .r

. ■, ■■' ■ ■" l.j j it t' j; *ol lheatre this morning,

today were so phrased as posed to the Indian con- „ . /,„« ., . nt •

o give the impression tingent, tx • v t«

,, *Men?, a i i-i e*.t nu- man, Darieeline Munici-

that the NEFA develop- lhe uewa of theChinese ,.' 5 , -.

. i ■ j ■ . » j- , palitv inaeurated the

meat was not a serious advance into Indian ter- !; ?.* b

i j i t% it- function,

matter. ritory was relayed to Delhi

A spoksman of the via Shillong and was re- Seven international films

Rxternal Affairs Ministry ' o-ived here yesterday &™ to be screened during

said this morning that morning. the festival in which 20

"some Chinese ';rcops have The NEFA ..border is schools and 8,500 children

appeared in the vicinity patrolled largely by the are participating,

of one of our posts". Assam rifles which though a Of four films screened

This evening he said subsidiary foroe, functions at the Capitol this morn-

that the Chinese force under the direction of the ing one was blatant Com*

was several hundred yards Defenc* Headquarters. The munist propaganda. The

from tbe post and "ap- Assam Rifles was p!ac«d local committee is under-

peared to be on the Indian under the Army following stood to have decided to

side of the frontier.'' the Chinese attack on withdraw the film from

The scene of the latest the Indian post of Longju. tbe festival^

Annual Rs. 6,'-

Per Copy 13 nP.